Saturday, March 29, 2008
I'm here to update
zealot tertiary chalet! :DMan, Its really awesome.
HAHA, there are
ALOT ALOT of pictures.So yeah,
Enjoy okayyy.
First day was slacking dayyy.
Then second day was the fun part! :D
whooo. sentosa and we played like mad :DAnd night time, I shall bring you to a tour.
FIRSTLY, we are all on our way to take bus to songs of the seas.
Julia said that we looked like some gang going to go gang fight. LOL.

Waiting for the bus to come.
Took pictures and up
here only ah beng de.Cause very special lah!

On the bus,
ken lim performed for the ang-mohs in front.LOL :D so nice la, they video-ed him leh.

Next stop,
SONGS of the SEAS.:D coool. walk ah walk..

Realised we got to pay for the tickets, so we din go.
And we saw
something more fun and we chiong to take pictures.

Wheeeee, so prettty eh.
It keeps changing colours de.

Everyone is attempting to find a good place for photo taking!
TAKE #1!!

TAKE #3!!
Actually still got alot, but did no post.
Cause too many already la.
Now then I know there are so many zi-lians in zealot leh!!
Okay, never mind. I shall cont to post lah :D
OOoooooo. What are all of them doing lah?
Whats so interesting?
Yvonne and thok kai.
Derek and Yong quan.
Ken lim, wee kiat and Siew ling (haa, me)
Watch until so shuang like that..
Xue le, sabrina and you beng!
Where we are sitting were super good views!!
Why? Cause we are watching the show that cost $6 to enter lah -.-
Its pretty good to watch it free though there are trees covering here and there.
Its a pretty show. And the video.
I'm not going to load. Cause load so long still the same
NEXTTTT, we hear some bells ringing
Its from here.
ITs pretty cool man.
The bells ringing (: hahahaha!

We took may pictures from hereeee.
FAMILY PICTURE where all are inside :D
Wah piangggg, derek tan ah.
What you doing? -.-
Man, our area leader looked like some uncle picking up cans.
Why zealot de cgls all so wierd de?
You beng : acting as thinker.
Derek: Anyhow pee -.-
Bro Liang zhi: uncle picking up cans
LOL. .....
Random pictures.
Staring, doing funny things zzzzz.
Acting as thinkerrr, acting cute -.- (ahahah!)
derek like to do spilt! -.-
Some tourist took for us!
Preeettyyyyy :D
Here come the funny part lah.
Ken lim, Bro Liang zhi & Thok Kai.
Whoooo. like da bian-inggg leh.

While leaving, thok kai dropped into the BIG FISH mouth.
Bro Liang zhi not doing anything to save himmmm.
LOL, joking!
Next is
Bro Liang zhi head inside.
And Awww, ken lim!
Are you ALRIGHT? I guess your butt hurts like mad! LOL.
This one, -.- we did a video.Not yet uploaded.
But do see when it is. Duper funnnyyyy.
Derek act hero lah.
Climb here and there -.-
And took picture with some funny funny thing.
NEXTT STOPPP, we are at the waterfall :D
took seperately.
Yeah the guys! (not all, some went MIA -.-)
GIRLS :D hehehe!
Took picture again on the bridge :D
Pretty but wondering why so many white spots.

I guess, these fews are the BEST of all (:
I really love all these.
It really looked pretty and organised and cute :D
Thanks to the heavy table that bro liangzhi carried and place it to take picture!
LOOK carefully, the guys behind all act cuting -.-
haha, this one is nice and well taken too :D
zealot tertiary rocks!
Lastly, we went to take picture with
monorail.Credit to bro liang zhi who took for us :D
TADA. This marks out night!
And we had more fun in our own rooms at night.
Play this and that. :D
Fun time. (:
And not forgetting the sharing that bro liang zhi shared.
Yeah, :D Holy Spirit is always there to guide and teach us.
Cool, everyone enjoyed :D
Scribbled by: Child of God @12:54 am
Friday, March 21, 2008
hi guys.. i noe u all very excited for tertiary chalet.. relax la... let daleh tell u all abt the is the itinerary for the shaleh!!!!! woots!
1200 Reach BB mrt ( All "adults" liao ah.. no nid me to remind abt punctuality rite.. =]] ) PLEASE EAT LUNCH FIRST BEFORE 1200 =p dun argue wif me what before 1200 is breakfast.. if not.. i kick u.
1430 boookkkkkk innnnnnn!!!!! yea shiok can put down our heavy bags liao ><
1430 - 1500 settling down.. slack time.. derek and kenlim plan de timing.. sure slack =p ENJOY! P.S i wun say no to a treat =p
1500 - 1530 LZ's speech. Be prepared.
1530 - 1730 fun fun fun fun fun!!! 2 hours of fun!!! WOOTS! who gt ball.. like football, volleyball, fishballs.. please bring. We are facing a shortage!! especially fishballs =p
1730 - 1830 cleaning up! and getting ready MAKAN!!!!
1830 - 1930 DINNER TIME! To clarify things up, this is a very important part of the chalet. No cock up please. All will bring half a loaf of sandwiches ( TAKE NOTE: READY-MADE SANDWICHES. WITH FILLINGS. READY TO EAT. DUN BRING BAI MIAN BAO ) of cuz nt realli bring half la.. 2 person share a loaf.. i wun mind u bring more.. =] ah lim wun mind oso.. =x
1930 - 2030 time for our bro lz de sharing. He promises it will be short.. i dunno abt tat =p
2030 - 2230 Free time.
2230 - 0000 More free time =p
0000 Get ur asses up to bed NOW! GOGOGGO!
coooo ku cooo ku!!!!! <--- sounds like a rooster ma? -.-
0900 - 1000 Sharing time once again!!! =] now this is special.. 9am start.. means 8.50 be there.. be ready wif ur bible, notebook and pen ^_^ what time u wan to wake up.. i dun care.. juz dun wake me up =x
1030 - 1130 morning makan! LOL! catering ^_^
1130 - 1730 wa madness!!!! play all the way.. play wat u say? MYOB!
1730 - 1830 cleaning up!!! and getting ready our italian food ^_^ yummy!!
1830 - 1930 EAT EAT EAT!!! As long as i haf enuff food.. i dun care how much u eat =p
1930 - 2030 LZ swansong sharing!! LOL!
2030 - Fill in the blanks. Do what ever u wan.. until watever time... unless BLZ says otherwise.. see now i good guy ar =p
rooster die.... ( did kenlim cook it for food? ) RIIIINGGGG RIIINGGGG!!! alarm lols.
0900 please wake everyone up! pack up! WE ZHAO! HOME SWEET HOME!
Additional informationPlease bring ur bible and notebook for entrance to the shaleh.. Room ICs wil check for the "passport" before u go in ^_^
Sandwiches.. ready made one.. tolong tolong.. dun bring BAI MIAN BAO, even if u say u eat that.. cannot. CANNOT.
please bring ballsssssss.... football volleyball.. fishball =x DODO is good enuff. cards games.. board games.. haf juz bring.. i guarantee wun haf too many =]
Bring 2 bottles of 1.5 litre of water.. i confirm... u wun regret.. regrets come upon not bringing. TRUST ME! if u cant trust me.. u cant trust anybody else in the world ><
got any "feedbacks" send them to
dun walao here walao there in the holy chalet. if not.. u kena tao pok by me and kenlim =p
Credits of planning this chalet!!!!
Bro LZ
Ken Lim ( he did the most =x)
and ur beloved daleh
be ready... for the shaleh!!!! for non-tertiary peeps.. jyjy.. God set the timing at 16 or 17 for singapore christians.. so... too BAD! =p
Scribbled by: Child of God @11:50 pm