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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Joshua 2
-ok some simple points here.. God uses a harlot named Rahab. harlot = prostitute in our language. if God can use her, God definitely can use u!

Verse 9
Rahab told the man of God that the people living near her were fainthearted because of him and his fren. the 2 spies.
Verse 10
Rahab den state our the reasons why they were fainthearted. Because of the many things that they did wif God. and the things aren't normal.. crossing of the red sea.. destroying of big armies.
--Who will tink of crossing the red sea if the Lord did not mention/ initialize it? imagine in the olden days.. will u tink of crossing the red sea? nope nope. water part and u cross on foot? nono..
Attempt great things of faith with Jesus! imagine Jesus ask u to jump from an airplane den u will land safely on china to share Christ. (just a suggestion) do u do it? lols sounds weird but all the things of faith leads people to God.

Doubt no.1
-Rahab now knew that God is powerful and is real. yet she did not ask to know the Lord. She merely ask for kindness and not to kill her family. why?

Overall, Rahab lied/sinned for a greater cause. im not saying that u can sin! the bible says there is absolutely no reason for sin. but when u gotta make a choice, choose the greater cause. for example, honour parents or honour God? i still rmb the time i told my mum God is above parents... LOL! try it =]

Joshua 3

Verse 5
Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.
Dictionary says sanctify is to

1.)to make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate.
2.)to purify or free from sin: Sanctify your hearts.
3.)to impart religious sanction to; render legitimate or binding: to sanctify a vow.
4.)to entitle to reverence or respect.
5.)to make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing.

so tink of wat u do on friday.. the day before saturday. food for thought. and as some knows.. i hate going out on friday... get ready for sat? =p yeap.

another great feat. similar to the crossing of the red sea, now they cross the waters of the Jordan.
Joshua 4
-memorial stones were there so "children will ask and they can answer how God helped them" woo lala... notice this. children ASK!
members in cg expect ppl to teach them tell them things. trust me i know. but hey.. spiritual children.. begin to ASK! i always like it when ppl ask me questions.. bible questions or w/e questions lol.. hint hint =x
ok now refer to last week sermon. doubt. and begin to ASK.

A conversation between God and derek.

Scribbled by: Child of God @11:33 pm

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Disarming Your Doubt

Doubt; uncertainty; lacking of a firm confimation
Doubt is not the opposite of faith but it is the

opposite of faith is unbelief.(refuses to consider)

doubt demands evidence
John 20:24-29

#doubt develops in isolation
everyone would have their own doubts,

it's inevitable.
#doubt will draw us near to God
& deeper our relationship with God.

doubt cause you to ASK questions to clear doubt.
questioning spirit is not sinful,
but a rite of passage that we
must pass through as we grow to have deeper faith.
(thomas & john had that belief but
they have time when they doubt too)

doubt asks questions
but unbelief refuses to hear answers!

5 steps to disarm your doubts
#1. ADMITyour doubts PERSONALLY
questions about your doubts
causes you to learn and grow
doubt will bring us closer to the truth
doubts that are not identified will turn into discouragement or unbelief!

Faith is when we're willing to embrace the doubts,
ask the difficult questions and face the answers.

#2. ARTICULATE your doubts CLEARLY
crystallise your thinking &
put your finger on precisely
what it is that is causing your uncertainty.
doubt that you can't name is the one you can't harbour because it will lead to disbelief.

doubt can bring you on a journey and it can bring you back on track with God.
cause you to be powerful!


turn your doubts to questions
turn your questions to prayers
turn your prayers to God

Judges 6:12-13
be honest with your doubts(Gideon's story)
The bible best and brightest weren't
heroes for their lack of doubts.
they were heroes for confronting
and conquering their them!
4. ANALYSE the evidence DILIGENTLY
deal with your doubts
honest question don't lead to downfall
often what we see is not what it really is...
doubts are useless unless it leads us to the truth
theories will come in and out but the bible stays forever! :)
sometimes, we don't confront our doubts
because we're afraid that our doubts might win
God can move the stone in your heart.
you don't find flaws in the word of God,
it finds flaws in you~
5. ACCEPT the limitations HUMBLY
we're limited
we're living in a limited environment but we have a LIMITLESS God

(i) Accept the bible's limitations
it is the word of God
it is true and is the full and final authority
But God is bigger than we think,
there is too much to study about God.
Everyday, we'll discover something new about Him
There may be certain doubts that we might
not have answer for but someday,
we'll get the answer.

(ii) Accept your own limitations
we need to admit our ignorance
we'll never have all the answers
there'll be times where you don't understandand & where certain doubts of yours will go on
His ways are higher than your ways;
His thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:32 pm

Joshua 1

The book of Joshua talks about the people of Israel learning a crucial lesson under Joshua's capable leadership. Victory comes through faith in God and obedience to His word, rather than wordly things like more numbers confirm win....

-This verse struck me as I think. Moses is dead, so now God chose Moses's assistant, Joshua to continue leading the people of Israel. So i stopped and think. Cellgroup. When suay suay the cgl dies.. will the core leaders be able to take up the role of cgl? or will they be willing to take up the role of cgl? just a though and it obviously says that if u r a leader now, be a good leader like Moses who ensured that after his death, another person can take over him.

Verse 6,7,9,18.
Be strong and of good courage. Be bold and courageous. In one chapter, the word of God repeated this phrase 4 times! There must be a purpose for that rite?
So stopped and think again.
1.) outright purpose
be bold and courageous. difficult to understand meh alamak.
When we face troubles, the NATURAL response for humans is to haizz sigh... ask ourselves why why why why why as if we have the answer WHY?!
i rmb this. Weikun of zealot 3 had a game account once, it was hacked and he created a new account, and named it "whyme".
to me, it is like saying why i so suay to kena hacked?! but how would he have the answer? even though sometimes we dun haf the answers... we still keep asking ourselves why... never ending asking.. leads to being emo =]
Rather than do tat, be bold and courageous and ask God! shout to God if u wan, fight for blessings as Jacob did. fight for answers! for onli He have the answers to ALL ur doubts. =]

nice title huh? drill. the bible uses repetition to drill into our hearts. be bold and courageous. inside my brain has an image of lz "be bold and courageous!" tat time when pastor taught it he used to repeat... irritating... but useful! it realli gets inside ur brain. for example.. u play a new song to urself. 100 times u cfm get the lyrics. =] simple hahaha..
so how to apply? in our cg.. school.. normal life.. began to recite bible verses to each other.. tat way we help and benefit each other to drill in verses to be holy. for God said, "be holy for I am holy".
Area vision? be passionate and Christ-like? drill it into everyone!

Verse 17
Let me translate for you guys. it meant to say that the people of Israel will support and follow Joshua.. with one condition. That is if God is with Joshua as much as He was with Moses. Which of cuz we know, God is with Joshua as God called Joshua into leadership =.=
your leaders are called by God.... follow them well!

Verse 18.
Favourite. Those tat do not heed Joshua's word, they said this.. "they shall be put to death!" wow powerful man.. Because Joshua's word will come from God.. dun obey = die. how many times haf u disobey ur leaders? =p yes im guilty of it too. so we gotta change.

A conversation between God and derek.

Scribbled by: Child of God @8:20 pm

WORRY make things worse!
(preached by sis wanping)

1. exhibits lack of trust in God.
2. damages our health.
3. affects our relationships.
Job 5:2
“Surely resentment destroys the fool,
and jealousy kills the simple.”

4. hinders our witness

Causes of worry
#1 the affluence of our age
#2 difference stages of life experiences
it's natural for you to worry!
#3 our pace of life
worry = choke/strangle your spiritual life.

1 Peter 5:7
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
Don't take it back! :D

Exodus 18:19
“Now listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you. You should continue to be the people’s representative before God, bringing their disputes to him”
Matthew 6:25-34

3 factors to counter attack worry
1. “Focus” Factor:
when worried , you will lose your focus

verse 25
“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?”

in Greek, worry actually means to pulled in different direction (distracted)
focus on God and NOT worries!
do not allow worries to take over your life!
your character is the ONLY thing you bring along to Heaven.

SLOW DOWN to catch on the important stuffs!
Sometimes in our pursue of doing some things...
we tend to miss out the main thing!
Eph 3:20
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think”
Romans 8:18
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.”

Matthew 6:32-33
“These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

seek; to strive, to pursue, to desire, to aim at, to search for; to go after; to get

Both Christian and non-christian get the same sickness. (face same problems..)
the difference is how we response to these sicknesses?
we have PEACE! FOCUS on GOD!
seek First His Kingdom!

practical steps to do to seek God First.
1) put God first
where God is, you want to be also.
(attend cell group & church service regularly)
2) pray and read the bible regularly
3) tithe and offering

2. “Father” factor: Remember his faithfulness
Verse 26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.”
in NKJV version
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”

Lean on God.
100% give to Him and don’t take back.
Matt 6:28-29
“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.”

lilies have deep roots.
receive nourishments

put your roots in the things of God!

3) “Future” factor: live a day at a time
verse 27
“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

worry changes nothing!
worry don't change the outcome but it you. (your health…)

verse 34
“So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today”

My name is I AM
live in the present!
if you live in the past
it will be very hard
For I am not there
my name is not I WAS

3) Phil 4:6
“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

release the regrets of yesterday, refuse the fears of tomorrow and receive instead the peace of today.

2 kinds of attitudes towards worry (reactions):
#1 Genesis 42:36
“Jacob exclaimed, “You are robbing me of my children! Joseph is gone! Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me!”
(choose to blame)
#2 Romans 8:28
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them”
(willing to cast burdens to God)

Eph 5:20
“And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Scribbled by: Child of God @2:20 am

Friday, August 17, 2007

luke 6

let God speak to you today!

46"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? 47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

let's start to do wat we preach to our fellow christian friends. be that living example. and i know excalty wat i need to work on too. so let's JIAYOU together. May the glory be onto God!

have a sweet dream with God!

Scribbled by: Child of God @12:43 am

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Luke 5

wah!! i realise i have MORE THINGS to share. but i trying to keep it short so that u all catch the main points.

today i learn that it's time to PUT DOWN EVERYTHING and JUST FOLLOW HIM. let's see wat actualy happen. (check it out.)

1st case:
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." 11So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

2nd case:
27After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.

this is actually a story abt how Jesus got His 1st disciples! Go read the story! understand how it happen. today's question ARE WE READY FOR A DISCIPLE? those of u who has/have also listen up. are we actually being a role model for our disciple/s? ask ourselve this question. those of u who has/have, do u really think that u r able to feed ur disciples with good, solid spiritual food? or continue feeding them spiritual milk? wat do u wanna see? a disciple that is after God's heart or seeing them backslide 1 day after u commit so much of ur time to that person? think abt it. and if we really wan them to be strong in God, we need to start to get our own lifes rite and lead them not by ur strength and agenda but by God's srength and agenda. AWESOME! stop taking short cuts! when u got to do, u got to do it! stop running away because u're lazy? tired? watever! because we're dealing with God's precious begins.

wells... and now some of u who dun has/have disciples? isnt matthew 28:16-20 stated it clear? THE GREAT COMMISSION. now, i'm not forcing u to have 1 instantly or wat. dun do it for the leaders to see. but check ur heart? since matthew did stated cleary. why arent we still having no disciples? isit? because i'm still in my comfort zone? or i'm still wanting to enjoy my life to the fullness? or i am fearful to disciple ppl? or or or?? are u really going to let all these barries stop you from giving God ur 100%?

ask mi wat's the time now? and i'll tell u. it's time to PUT DOWN EVERYTHING AND FOLLOW CHRIST.

man... i still have alot alot to share. but! i think let's start working on this and most importantly our relationship with God first! get ur depths realy deep before we go into much more exciting and interesting things abt Him. imagine if u can only store 30% and i'm pouring 90%. 60% of the things wil be overflowed and eventually u dun catch it. so wat's the point? START DIGGING DEEP GUYS!

have a goodnite rest!

Scribbled by: Child of God @1:04 am

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

i read this, and wanna share with you guys.

Isaiah 29

today, my sharing is simple. Heart of worship.

Israel is in sin. They have sinned against God, and God wanted to destroy them like how He helped them destroy their enemies! Such irony! The story goes on.

Isa 29:13 (NLT)
And so the Lord says,
"These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
And their worship of me
is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.

How sad can this be, that the very basis and reason for worship is lost! There is nothing wrong with honoring God with our lips, but are we doing it out of routine? are we doing it because the guy on stage tells us how to do so, or is it your cell group leader teach you how to worship, by lifting your hands and singing songs to God, therefore you do it?

James 2:20 (NLT)
How foolish! Can't you see that faith without good deeds is useless?

In the same way, deeds without faith is also useless. they have to go together, hand in hand, in order for it to be of use, to promote growth in you. Let me tell you one open secret. Service 2 is famous for doing, evangelism, discipleship, missions. But are we doing it for the sake of doing so, or are we doing it because our heart is close to God, and we want to serve Him?

Scroll down and refer to yesterday's sharing by brother Liangzhi. Before we do things, examine ourselves. Are we filled with the Holy Spirit, full of His compassion and love, before we do some of the things we do, such as discipleship? When we evangelise, do we do it for the sake of showing our cell leader, to expand the cell group, to have a disciple under you, or it is because you feel God's heartbeat, and long for the person to be saved?

Yesterday i went to Liangzhi's house to slack, and he told me something that sets me thinking. He went to his mother's church one day, and he saw an amazing sight that he himself cound not believe. When the church members are filled with the Holy Spirit, they begin dancing! Ok, not my style of dancing, but a very graceful dance. They are so filled with the Spirit that they just dance in His presence, because He is so good! What's more, those are uncles and aunties!! (sorry zhi, for calling your mum an auntie.) There are also people who bellow joyfully, the sound of their laughter carries no fear and intimidation, but of great joy and happiness!

Are you doing things because you are filled with the spirit? I'm not telling you to imitate them or me, but worship God in your own style when you praise and worship Him, with a heart of worship, not out of oblignation! drop the "oh, my cell leader is watching me, i better put on a show" mindset and get the "man, Jesus is so good that i wanna worship him!!" mindet!!

Let me make a confession. Even i have fallen into this sin of doing for the sake of doing. Before we do something, let's examine our hearts. Are we doing it because we have to put on a show, or are we doing it because we love God? Think and pray.

Lots of Love,
Ken Lim A.K.A Pui Lim

Scribbled by: Child of God @2:13 pm

Luke 4

today's sharing is exciting! the key is "full of the Holy Spirit" or rather "filled with the holy spirit!" alrite alrite! let's see ar..

okie... Jesus was fasting 40 days and nights.(dunno the story go read Luke 4.) now, Satan came to tempt Jesus in 3 different ways! and guess wat? he got SMACK with 3 different bible verses from Jesus rite in his ugly face! (claps claps) wat am i trying to highlight here? simple.. when u r tempted use bible verses to counter. hey! but u first need to memorise some wat! unless u dun wan breakthrus, discipline urself to memorise it. let mi help u with that!

1 Corinthians 10:13

make sure everyone of u know this at the back of ur mind. i'm serious u know. if u wanna experience God all these u need to go against ur flesh(meaning? ur own desires!) to seek God. if u wan to see devil flee from u. u need to discipline urself. if u wanna live a victorious life, u need to think of things that helps u grow closer to God and not further from Him. start working on it.

so Jesus was spirit filled. He begin to do things that normal human strength is incapable. drive out evil spirits and heal many manty many. Jesus is God mahs. therefore He cans. but guys! do u know each of us have holy spirit with us? all we need to do is ask God to fill us with the holy spirit. imagine ur life filled with the spirit, when u go sch.. u can sense ur friends' feelings. then help them. u can be aware of God speaking to u. wun it be GREAT? everything u do will be like siant. u will know wat u should and should not do. WOW! in this way, we sure can bring glory to God. when ur friend sick, u can approach them and offer to pray for them and see God heals and start to share Christ with ur friend. oh man...

guys? wat kinda life would u choose? know y Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights? when u fast, ur flesh decreases and ur spirit inreases. which means. "MORE OF GOD AND LESS OF ME. best is NONE of me. Jesus was so eager to seek God.

start to live a different life that u're living rite now. let it be spirit filled. u got to have a life changed. pray every morning to ask God to fill u thru out the day! start ur day with Him and end ur day with Him.

have a goodnite rest.

Scribbled by: Child of God @12:56 am

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Luke 3

read in the morning, no time to update. cause rushing to school. well, let's see what God has to speak to us still.

John was making the way for Jesus to come. ppl are starting to respond. (check it out)

10"What should we do then?" the crowd asked. 11John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same." 12Tax collectors also came to be baptized. "Teacher," they asked, "what should we do?" 13"Don't collect any more than you are required to," he told them. 14Then some soldiers asked him, "And what should we do?" He replied, "Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely—be content with your pay."

can u see the eagerness in them? trying to change if they have to? even before the Lord comes.

guys... Christ is in us. He has alr REACHED! but are we as eager to change as the ppl who were still expecting the Lord's arrival? sometimes, we know wat is rite and wat is wrong. but it's a matter of choice whether we wanna let go and follow after Him. i know it's difficult to let go certain things. some of us might even doubt abt God. but hey, rmb? christianity is not base on performaces or mircales. it is base on relationship which requires FAITH to go along.

agree with mi? the more stronger ur relationship with God the more u wanna please Him? but how to have a closer relationship? by doing quiet time and praying is enough? u think so? wat abt if God say give up ur cca, television, computer, PSP, (how abt this?) BGR or anithing that is precious to you which is hindling ur relationship with God? will you by faith go and obey? or choose to ignore?

stronger relationship with God or weaker relationship with God? it's ur call. the difference between both is how much faith do u have in Him? and faith is really something u dun get to see but u believe in ur heart!

have a goodnite rest!

Scribbled by: Child of God @1:12 am

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Luke 2

today i read chapter 2. God spoke to me again. not surprising. You guys ready to hear wat God has installed for u all too? = )

There was this part where Jesus actually stayed behind in the temple and the rest of them including the parents left. It's not as if they did it intentionally, they didnt know it until their parents were looking for Him and could not find Him. Then, the rushed back to look for Him, and there He is. sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard Him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.

then the parents saw him, came to Him and said "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you."

(check out how Jesus replied)
then Jesus replied "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"

Puase! did u see how Jesus replied? He did shout back at His earthly parents or even cursed and swear! He did not say things like.


all He did was replied gently. Hello people?? Jesus knew He was God but yet He still submit to His earthly paretns, He still obeys them. He wasn't rude to His earthly parents instead He treated them with respect! take a moment and think thru abt our own parents. how is our attitude like towards them? i admit last time mine was terrible! i shout back, i argue my way out and i even slam things here and there. but is this how we should react? i know it's gonna be difficult to try patching things up? but God wans us to start somewhere. it's a matter of time. y not start today? start small. small conversation will do. learn to control ur temper. depend on God's strength and not ours. and soon you see things changed. and when it happens, dun forgot to thank God.

stop running away from this prob if u have. start to face it with God. overcome it together with God. God put us in this family for a purpose. tonite i'll continue part 2 abt Jesus had wisdom.

have a great day ahead.

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:40 am

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Luke 1

Was reading thru this chapter and God taught me about how important God sees righteousness is. Zacharias and Elizabeth were both righteous before God. and guess what? God found favor in them. Elizabeth was barren, (what is barren? barren is not producing or incapable of producing.) but God still gave them a child who will be named John. i dunno how you guys think after reading this, but i really feel that if we wanna find favor in God, we need to be righteous before God. We may be lousy, incapable, not talented or ani form of imperfection but for with God nothing will be impossible. God will still be able to use us for His glory! but question is?

Are we ready to be used by God?
Do we recognised that we are imperfect and we need God in our lifes?
Are we ready to be use by Him in any aspects?

Or have we been keeping some part of our lifes to ourselves? but even before we answer to these questions, the very main question we need to ask is. ARE WE SERIOUS IN GOD? if we are, those questions asked earlier on will not be a problem to answer. because if we are serious in Him, we will wanna be righteous before Him. When we start to be serious in Him and pursue righteousness, we will then understand bit by bit of God's characteristic and how awesome is to please God.

pls do think thru whatever i've just shared on. maybe ask urself those questions. see whether r u able to ans them. but! answer that main question first. Are you serious in Him?

have a great day ahead of you.

Scribbled by: Child of God @11:05 am

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

SORRY for the LATE updates!

Pastor Daniel

* Matthew 5:13-16

War and peace is like salt and bread.
In the past, merchants value salt more than money.

The Roman Empire built the first roads.
“All roads lead to Rome”

40million tones of salt is used every year.
We consume 6-10g of salt everyday.

We are the very essence of life, be the salt and light.

Effects of salt:

#1 Christians like salt add flavour
Job 6:6
Live the Jesus in you.

#2 Christians like salt acts like a preservative
Salt can stop the decaying process.
- arrest the decaying process of this world.

#3 Christians like salt heals

#4 Christians like salt create thirst
Titus 2:9
Adon means to put on make up

#5 Christians like salt can lose their saltiness
- becomes poison (destroy plants)

#6 Christians like salt need to have contact to have an influence

Pastor Daniel

Matthew 5:14-16

Definition of light: light makes it possible to see.

Turn on your lamp.

Lamp comes from lampsato, which is an imperative, a command

#1 There is a call to answer
We are called to shine our light.
The light we have is not from ourselves, its from God.

The moon reflects light from the sun
We reflect light from the Son (Jesus)

We are reflectors of light.

John 9:5
Phil 2:14-16

#2 There is a testimony to be shared

We can hide what we are,
We can waste what we are,
We cannot lose what we are.

18th century = century of enlightenment

3 questions of life!
- Where did we come from? God
- Why am I here? Salt and Light
- Where am I going? Heaven or Hell.

#3 There is a choice to be made
Light declare what is in the room.

The many different styles of light:
1. Christmas light Christians.
2. Flashing light Christians
3. Flashlight Christians.
4. Candlelight Christians.
5. Dirty light Christians.
6. Spotlight Christians

Matthew 5:16a
Let your light SO SHINE before men.

What we hide our light under:
1. Basket of worldliness
2. Basket of fear [John 19:38, 2Cor 4:3-4]
3. Basket of apathy
4. Basket of silence
5. Basket of inconsistency

# 4 There is a purpose to be considered
Matthew 5:16b


Scribbled by: Child of God @11:16 pm

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

My Past.

September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009

Music Studio.


Part of the code