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Thursday, May 31, 2007

@rL0w 2 all Z3@L0T ppl..yUP n hello 2 bLoghopper tOO! z3@l0t most handsome guy is here 2 t0k abt a wonderful sermon that i see from hillsong All Of The Above album. WARNING: TIS SERMON HAS NTH 2 DO WIT SERVICE SERMON, ITS JUS A SERMON FROM THE ALBUM CD, SO DO NT GET CONFUSE!

All Of The Above sermon Topic: Generation Of Light

lets all turn to Matt 4:15-17~
Tis is actually the very significant moment becos as Matt was wrting Jesus was abt 2 uncover the truth of who he is! Matt has been saying tat ther is so much darkness around tat ther is 2 a point tat it say shadow of death arnd the ppl..n yet Jesus is comin n bringing tis light 2 us!

Jesus has always been living as a gd Jewish boi as his Dad was a carpenter,he has been train by his Dad and doin wat his Mum ask him 2 do as every gd Jewish boi does. He oso hang out wif his num of brothers..well??? Here cums a ques.. IF Jesus WILL 2 BE UR BROTHER..WAT WILL U TINK? good?average?bad?more than jus happy?excited?overhelm?

Nope...the ans is its gonna b veri tough..y? COS JESUS GET EVERYTING RIGHT AT ALL TIME. He always make his bed,always clean his room,always cleans up after dinner! He ALWAYS DOES THE RIGHT TING, it will b veri tough man!! Cos ur mum will always say 'di ar! or mei ar! y cant u jus b like ur BRO Jesus?!?!' imagine been Jesus bro n go n plae sum games? Hide n Seek? Hes always gonna win! Any game hes gonna b the best!! soccer hes gonna score goal like mad! been a keeper hes gonna defend every shot! It will b TOUGH!

cos he excel in everyting! the bible say in Luke 2:52 tat Jesus cont 2 increase in wisdom n stature n in favour wif God n men!
we shld oso b like him! as we grow our relationship wif God, our stature shld grow in our community, poly, sec, ITE, pri! anywher we r! the ting shld grow in our life as ting grow wif God!

Devil plan is always 2 attk humanity of Jesus, the enemy try 2 seduce him n try all sorts of tings 2 bring him jus down as ani other human! We noe tat each time Jesus spoke bak 2 the enemy wif the w0rd of God, when he spoke bak, thers nth the Devil could do.. the great truth is no matter wat darkness is arnd, when the Light shows up..the darkness has 2 go..it canot stay..when Jesus shows up..it didnt matter wat the Devil goin 2 say..ther iS NTH THE DARKNESS COULD DO..WHEN THE LIGHT SHOWS UP..AMEN!

well..i tink every1 here is afraid of the dark be4..when u r alone in the room slping ur imagination start 2 run wild as u cant relly see aniting! then fear start 2 take control of u..u mayb even scare 2 put ur hand under ur bed cos u scare sum1 is gonna grab u! scary huh?=) will u get a night light?( a light tat u pluck it n it will shine..but its nt so strong..the glowing light..becos the darkness couldnt get wher the light was..Do we noe the origin of light? Genesis 1:3 God say let ther b light n ther was light. in Hebrew it say like tis: God say light be n it was..

when God say sumting it does nt change..n frm the time wher man has been able 2 measure light..its has always been constant..as man r able 2 check up the universe..the speed of the universe tat is growing is the speed of the light..the amazing abt light is tat the light is always constant..for light is always overcoming darkness around the whole universe as God say its..n its true..COMON GUYZ!GOD SAY IT N IT WILL ALWAYS B THE TRUE!

Jesus came n shine in the darkness..he came 2 the darkness wher ppl r in despair, even wif ppl hu haf wealth n power..yet in thier soul ther r darkness..he brought light 2 them! Jesus brought light 2 every places.. Matt 5:14-16

will we tink tat our life canot live like him? will we say tat Jesus tat is ur job not mine, i onli wan 2 plae n haf fun! Ur the light!..NO..the fact is we r the light oso..the closer we get 2 him the brighter our light will shine..its up 2 us whether we wan 2 let him cum into our live. COS JESUS WAN 2 SHINE HIS LIGHT THRU US 2 THE DARKNESS ON TIS WORLD. Ques: wher do we shine our light? will we jus cum2 church n haf a nice time shining our light n singing songs like tis little light of mine?
lyric: Im gonna like it shine..tis little light of mine..Im gonna like it shine..tis little light of mine..im gonna let it shine..let it shine..let it shine..w00tz...nice song?

do we go 2 church n shine the light n tats the kind of way we shine it?actually LIGHT IS NT RELLY NECSSARY IN PLACES WHER LIGHT ALRDY EXIST! its gd 2 cum into the hse of God..we nid 2 b in church n gather 2gether! BUT THERS IS A WORLD WHER THER IS DARKNESS..N THER IS PPL HU HAF DARKNESS..N TAT IS THE PLACE TAT WE NID PPl 2 SHINE THE LIGHT ON THE DARKNESS! a generation of light nid 2 b rise up n shine in sum dark places..nt 2 cover it up..nt 2 hide it..nt 2 haf a light cernemony..nt abt choosing the type of light..NO.. its abt shining fourth the light into ppl hu r still in darkness...!

It is a veri dark world tat we r living..all sorts of ting going on in ppl..ppl hu haf darkness in thier live..r we tinking tat is ther any hope for tis world? ppl r tinking tat tey rather both on the 16 n 17 cen wher the world doesnt care abt aniting..ppl r tinking tat will darkness prevail? will terroism goin 2 destroy the world? will disease going 2 exterminate humanity? will poverty wipe out the generation? get rich man get mor n mor rich n poor get even poor n desperate?

-micah 7:8
Even in a world wher ther is nt much hope..the Lord will b the light, the light will nvr b intiminated by the darkness, it does nt matter hw dark tings get!!when a PPL SHINE A LIGHT..THE DARKNESS WILL JUS HAF 2 FLEE...

Lastly..Will we choose 2 b the 1 tat shine the light? will we choose 2 give? will we choose nt 2 b intiminated by darkness? will we choose 2 love when other r in hatred?will we choose 2 b the 1 tat say i will uncover the light of Jesus inside mi? will we choose 2 b generous while others deal in greed? ther is HOPE..SIN CAN AND HAS BEEN FORGIVEN THRU JESUS..PRAYER CAN B ANSWER..BROKEN LIFE CAN B RESTORE..SICK CAN B HEAL..FREEDOM CAN REIGN IN ANY1 HU CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS..WE GONNA B THE KIND OF PPL HU SHINE TAT LIGHT..WE GONNA BE IT!God is looking for a generation of ppl hu choose 2 shine the light for Jesus.
last verse:Philp 2:14-15

Cool? pretty long sermon but its impacting!!! A LIGHT TAT SHINE FOR PPL..WILL WE BE THEM?WILL WE CHOOSE TO BE? it all lies within our own choice..our choice would make a HUGE HUGE difference on our relationship wif God.YEAH! SO COMON NW N MAKE THE CORRECT CHOICES!

From The Most Handsome Guy In Zealot -0ngnei-
All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, testimony and character in this novel are accurate.
copyright from Hillsong UNITED(ALL OF THE ABOVE) album

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:28 pm

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Yoyo! folks!
How was yesterday sharing?
Now there's a chance for each and everyone of you to SHARE too ;D
It's easy! ;D
Start thinking about how God has worked in you life.
Like you gonna say about lets say God's Love, Temptation?
It not jus a boring essay writing
But giving glory to God and Thanks Him and help one another!
There's no such thing as, " im a one month christian, sure my testimony no use de!"
haha i shall whack anione who says tt! LOL
each testimony is useful and its about God not about you!
so if u are saying this then u are sayin God is useless!
Eventually we are going to compile it into a book and group it under groups like eg. Parental issue, Pornography, Forgiving others etc

-not for memorizing but to share about how God has enriched your life!
-testifying for wat God has pour out unto us~

-Pray and ask God to reveal to you what has happened! And to help you!
-Leave out irrelavant details focus on the theme u chosen
-Make christ the centre part of your experience!
-You can talk about like the "before" and "after"

For those who have not experience God start TODAY! seek Him! stay connected to Him!
Look Forward to each and everyone's personal testimonY!

NEed help??

You can always find your cell group leaders anybody even me liangzhi we wil be willing to help! ;DD

Book cover design!
you guys can also design aniithing ur want in groups or solo or as a cell all can! But maybe not all chosen><

ps. Cellgp leaders help to enforce this!

Now comes the important part! submit where? who? Europe?

haha send to europe and who noes what will happen?
please send to this irritating guy below :
LIANg zhi in soft copy
- xiaozhu_pig@hotmail.com
anybodi hu has difficulti in submiitin in soft copy
giv mi ur hard copy n i'ill submit it 4 u

DEADLINE= two weeks later!~ plea with me n maybe i will give u more time ><>

this is sandy!
haha can add miie!
Signing off!
Loaddss of Loves!

Scribbled by: Child of God @5:15 pm

Saturday, May 19, 2007

sister WANPING! %%

Matthew 22:37

Jesus replied,
'You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'

#1 with all your heart
matt 11:28-30
give access to God to every room of your life :D
agape love <3
unconditional love!
foundation of our relationship with God :D

exodus 20:3
in your walk with God, you cannot have distractions!

#2 with all your soul
let God be real in our daily life!
let God e in the picture of your life!
Phil 3:10

#3 with all your mind
John 1:1-3
Heb 8:10

LOVE letter from God ; BIBLE! :D
Matt 10:29-31
Jeremiah 1:4-5
Acts 17:26
Psalm 139:14 ; we're fragile! that's why fearfully made :D
Eph 1:11-12
John 8:41-44
Psalm 139:15-16
1John 4:16
1John 3:1
Matt 7:11 ; indeed 7/11! he OFFERS everything! :D
Matt 5:48
Psalm 37:4
who give you desire? GOD!
Phil 2:13
2Thess 2:16-17 ; BIBLE - greatest encouragement! :D

many many more! :DD

posted by ๑۩۞۩๑ princess XUELE ๑۩۞۩๑ once again! :DD

Scribbled by: Child of God @11:21 pm

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Pastor Daniel sharing...

Zechariah 12:2-3
- "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

- Towards the end of the world, the Bible predict that Jerusalm.


Ezekiel 20:34 (592-570 BC)
- I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered—with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath.
you = The Jews

- 15 May 1948, almost 2000 years later, against all odds, the Jews were given back their land by order of the United Nations.

Isaiah 43:6 (740-680 BC)
- I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth-

- Last time: 650 thousands Jews

- Now: 6 million Jews have return back to Isarel.


Matthew 24:32-34
- "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

- This generation will by no means pass away till all these.

1. The "Fig Tree" represent the Jews (Luke 13:6-8)

Luke 13:6-8
- Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' " 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it.

2. The "Twigs becoming tender and leaves coming out" symbolize the Jews rebuilding their nation and getting stronger.

Amos 9:15 (824 BC)
- I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God.

May 1948 - Israel defeated the Arab alliance.
Oct 1956 - The Gaza War
June 1967 - The "Six Days War"
Oct 1973 - The Yom Kippur War


Zechariah 8:7-8
- This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will save my people from the countries of the east and the west. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my people, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God."

- "I will bring them back, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem."

Luke 21:24
- They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.


2 Thessalonians 2:4
- He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

- Temple institute is fabricating the material to rebuilt the temple.


Revelation 11:3
- And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth."

Revelation 11:7-10
- Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days men from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.


Revelation 13:7-8
He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.


Matthew 24:14
- And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

- We know that we are in the Last Day so we need to hurry!


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:01 pm

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

My Past.

September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009

Music Studio.


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