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Monday, April 23, 2007

Hi all ZEALOT PPL..AND hello 2 bloghopper too:-) Im here to update the sermon note for ya all~

Pastor Daniel sharing~ End Time

-Well..The earth will wear out 1 day..tats wat we all nid 2 noe
NOW then the world began 2 reliease abt the green house tat is happening arnd the world..but abit too late alrdy..y do we noe tat the world is knowing all these? cos SINGAPORE such a small country is oso toking abt green house!
The world jus keep creating nuclear bomb and bomb here n ther which truely neglect the ppl tat r starving..trees been chop down by ppl without knowing the consequences ... at A LARGE SCALE summor.Well, thus desert has began 2 expand its terrority everywhere!! Within next 10-20 yrs we might c a country been gobble up by sand! ewww~! ISAIAH 51:6

Ppl around the world r beganing 2 starve..well..? the world say they dun so much resources to feed the ppl? But hw cum they haf the money 2 make NUCLEAR BOMB? By combining ALL THE NUCLEAR BOMB IN THE WORLD WE CAN DESTROY 1600 EARTH!Cool huh? Matthew 24:6

So far ther r 100 different kind of cancer in tis world tat has be discover..O.o..sum of them r extremely rare..well?Y r ther so mani disease now? so mani diseases tat was once destroy has cum bak again..small pox? tiny little flu can spread to the world Europe causing 40-50mill ppl dying? TIS R MOR WORSE THAN THE

Ques: earthquake? how we noe we r living in days of end time jus by earthquake alone? ther r earthquake everytime ya?
Lets us c the record of earthquake throughout century.
15 century: 115 earthquake 16century: 253 earthquake 17century: 378 earthquake
18 century: 640 earthquake 19century: 2119 earthquake(nice increase eh?)
1983:2588 earthquake 1992: 4048 earthquake
Cool? a super increase eh? does it scares u?
Japan.A cool country..earthquake is very common at there tat thier ppl r use to it..well? Now wats the gd news? The earthquake is nw leaving Japan..bad news? its heading towards us..NOT United States..BUT US..WE..Our NEIGHBOUR..Indonesia.. Mark 13:8

-Sin will intesify
How intesify it will b? whts happening 2 tis world nw? Homosexual been accepted in countries? Well..every year thers a GAY PARTY in Thailand..Wht happen? it CAME TO SG..YES SINGAPORE..SENTOSA..They haf a WILD party at ther man~! THANK GOD tat they move back to Thailand AGAIN! Well..? Theres mor to come jor..jus tat we dunno yet..Luke 17:26-28
All of tis sorrow tat is starting is onli the beginning..~
Well..tats abt all..all tis r Signs tat indicate tat End time is comin..n its veri near .. So?prepare urself now ya!^^

From The Most Handsome Guy In Zealot -0ngnei-
All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, testimony and character in this novel are accurate!

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:32 pm

Saturday, April 07, 2007


pyromania uncontrollable impulse and practice of setting things on fire.

which is the job of Holy Spirit %%

Holy Spirit - pyromania of heaven.
- keep our hearts on FIRE & burning passionately for HIM!

Heb 4:27
Heb 12:29

Acts 2:3-4

Characteristic of fire !
#1 Gives LIGHT
gives direction & guidance.
if your heart is passionately on fire for Jesus,
you'll not lack vision of direction in your life.

#2 Gives WARMTH
stay close to the fire;
stay close to the warmth.
Fire in your heart reveals GOD'S love &
presence in your life ...

Fire needs to be refresh.
You'll feel close to God when your heart is burning for Him!
Jeremiah SIX.

1 Peter _ devil prowls at the weak ones!

We need to have this fire to DEFEAT the enemy of God!
satan can no longer praise God.
that's why he hates it when we're doing it.
he's JEALOUS larh! don let him win! we're the WINNER! :D

burns out all the sins -
Just like what we learn in science.
take off impurities to get the precious GOLD.

Luke 3:16
Holy & pure :D

#5 Gives off unmistakable smell & odour
others will know you are on fire for God.
they can see ... our life ...

#6 Spreads to others
crowds will come ...
They see the fire.
People just LOVE to be on FIRE! :DD

It juts take one person to spread or maybe two.
It spreads!
one person can change/influence the rest.
can save a family, school, campus ...

there's NO LIMIT of amount of fire! :DD

*princessXUELE! :D

Scribbled by: Child of God @9:20 am

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Pastor Daniel sharing...

- Finance and fellowship causes loneiness.

- True fellowship create community.

- We are design to have solid fabric of relationship.

- There are different fellowship.

John 13:34-35
- A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

1. Healthy community meets our needs for reinforcement.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
- Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

- We cannot go through life alone. We need one another's support.

- We are created to experience touch.

Ephesians 4:14
- Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

2. Healthy community meets our needs or accountability.

- Young people are over confident.

Proverbs 27:17
- As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.

- Solving is more important!!

2 things that causes Christians to fall away:
- Relationship
- Community

- Put words into action. Do beyond saying.

- True community is about sharing of life at gut level.
It means u treat your church people like close family.

- True community isn't just a group of friends, we will correct the sins of theirs in love.

- True community is when conflicts happen.

- When problems come don't run away!! Face it!! Deal it!!

- We live in a community that is egoistic, that is selfish.

- Consider others more then ourself.

Romans 14:13
- Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.

Colossians 3:16
- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

- We need to have the word of God inside us. If not we will handle things with anger.

Acts 2:42-47 (You all can go read yourself, i wont post it out coz it's too long.. ^^)

"Koinonia" (Greek) = Fellowship/Participation/Sharing/Partnership/Communion.

1. Participation
They were withnessness to signs and wonders together.
(They had the same spiritual history)

Acts 2:43
- Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.

2. Sharing
They shared their material possessions together.

Acts 2:42-45
- They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.

- Caring is just an emotions that I care for you.

- Fellowship means must take action.

- Stop being a hypocrite!

- If people need help we should help them in what we can, that's what the church is about.

- We should help one another, carry each others burden.

- Do not give because u wan to gain something.

3. Partnership
They worship together.

- We are a worshipping community.

Acts 2:46a-47
- Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

- Don't lose patience with people!

4. Communion
They shared their lives.
They were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.

Acts 2:46
- Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.


Scribbled by: Child of God @12:48 am

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

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