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Monday, September 25, 2006

sermon notes.. haizz.... always forget.. now 12.30am and i cant slp!!! grr.. was abt to do my qt den rmb this >.< tyty ="]]

the race in our life.. is a marathon..
-endurance is impt in a marathon
--- even when u struggle, finish it!! the rewards are great! --
a crown of righteousness is our reward =]]
Hebrews 12:1-3
sin WILL entangle us easily..
to finish the race.. there are 3 points..

1.) you gotta look back
-look back on ppl who finished the race..
Hebrews 11:7
God always comes on time.. His timing =]]
pray for ur frens and family to be saved! endure!! be it 10 years, 20 years, or 50 years! =]]
when times are good.. u haf faith.. sure...
when times are bad? do u still haf faith? haha i hope u do =]]
haf u suffered for ur faith.. i wanna suffer for Jesus.. yet am afraid =]]
are u feeling the same? =]]

2.)Look out
no problem is too big for God.. david defeated goliath even though goliath is a big big big man!! =]]
they are heros to us.. and we are all a hero to someone.. so when u wanna give up.. DUN!!!
u r a hero to some.. dun make their hero a zero!! =]]
Life is not smooth..
dun run a marathon wif weights on!
that is sin!! take it off.. and run towards Jesus =]]

3.) look forward
-it is not how u start tat is impt.. no importance whether u come from a christian family or not..
but.. it is impt how u end!!
u look to Jesus by digging deep!!
build ur ministry wif Gold.. silver.. and precious stones..


Scribbled by: Child of God @12:35 am

Monday, September 18, 2006


we had combined service and WOAH!! the number of people is big man.. haha =x
we haf a australian pastor speaking this week =]]

John 10:10
John 16:33
Psalms 34:19
-The old muz go, in order for the new to come..
God has called us to say no to "fate" and do the impossible..
God chose us! God cares abt the things u desire..
Matthew 14:14
-Jesus saw a great multitude and had compassion and heal them and fed them..
when u haf compassion, u will be doing something.. dun say u haf compassion for lost souls when u din evangelise =]]

Nothing is impossible wif God..
John 11:17
-The response of Martha is good.. she had a great desire for Jesus!
Martha had faith in God.. now saving the whole of bbss and other schools might seem difficult or even impossible..
haf faith in God tat it can happen =]]

God can do wat is impossible wif man.. when u r in a difficult situation, bring out the word of God..
God called mary, He will oso call for u..
-God's timing.. is NOT our timing =]]

John 11:33
-groaned in the spirit = snort in anger..
He was annoyed.. why? becuz of the death around everyone.. death around His ppl.. He had compassion...
God has not called u to be mummified.. He intended you to fulfil His purpose..


Scribbled by: Child of God @9:31 pm

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i was on the train one day, and God impressed this in my heart...

if i were wearing a name tag, bearing the words "CHILD OF GOD", will i still do some things that im currently doing..? would i still be able to tell the people i've sinned against that im a believe of Jesus..?

check your lives... are whatever you're doing christlike...? are they reflecting He's glory or glorifying His name..? some things you guys do are simply sinful... when you tell people that you're a christian, would they believe your words..? would they view christian in a bad light, or will Jesus' glory be further brightened..?

i myself have been convicted, and i've repented... it's time for you guys to wake up...


Scribbled by: Child of God @11:36 pm

Monday, September 11, 2006

sermon notessss

Be filled with the holy spirit.
after Jesus rose from the grave, He showed up on earth for another 40 days.. den He promised the holy spirit..
Mark 16:15-18
-speaking in tongues is a sign of the baptism of the holy spirit..
Acts 1:8
-power comes through the holy spirit..
the Holy spirit IS GOD!
2Cor 3:17
~the Lord is the Spirit.. God expresses Himself in three forms.. God.. the Son.. Holy Spirit..
all 3 EQUAL power...
Genesis 1:2
- the job of the holy spirit is always preparing and empowering.. the holy spirit was there long ago..
John 1:1
-the Word = Jesus.. which was there before the earth was created..
the gift of the holy spirit is for every believers..
when a person receive salvation, the holy spirit comes into his body..
gift of the holy spirit and baptism of the holy spirit is different..
blasphemy against the holy spirit will not be forgiven!

the work of the holy spirit..
1.) He testifies our relationship wif God.. Roman 8:16
2.) He teaches... John 14:26
3.) He guides us.. Romans 8:14
4.) He helps us live a life pleasing to God..
when we pray in tongues, we pray the will of God as the holy spirit pray thru us..

proverbs 18:21
-the tongue is the most powerful and most difficult to control de thing =x
Luke 6:45
-heart good, tongue good. heart bad, tongue bad.
2 tongues..
human language, heavenly language..
Acts 2
personal and public..
if a person speaks tongues out in public, it must be translated..
~~ the holy spirit leads us to the spiritual realm~~


Scribbled by: Child of God @5:31 pm

Sunday, September 03, 2006

hello ppl.. back again =x
we haf arnd 30 ppl for cg and sermon.. good job ppl!!! jiayou! =D

by pastor daniel
-our body is a temple.. of the Holy Spirit.
1Cor 6:19-20
-you were not ur own, u were bought at a price..
we live in a world, young wanna be old, old wanna be young..
the word is crazy abt bodies man.. go gym la.. blah blah blah..

fashion.. depends on the individual..
1Cor 6:19-20
-Honor God wif our body..
Romans 6:13-14
desires are neither good nor bad..
do not let sin reign in ur body.. instead.. present it to God..
sins are weapons of unrighteousness..

imagine ur body as a castle.. Jesus is the king now.. if u let sins reign in ur life.. means.. u r allowing corrupted officials to be in the castle... and corruptions spreads and eventually destroy the whole castle!
-Sin is a power, not juz a act..
the desires of the body are not sin in itself.. it is like.. an invitation to sin? haha.. take it or not.. up to u urself..

sex is from God.. but it must be done within marriage!
one partner onli pls..tyty.. =x
sin is pleasing.. at first it looks good.. seems enjoyable.. but after awhile..all hell break loose..
something good becomes bad.. it becomes lust..
Satan is a bully.. he cant touch God.. he come and touch us.. =.=
but when he touch us, he indirectly touch God.. so.. alot of times.. we r helping the devil.. haiz... let's not let sin reign in us! =D
Dont let sin be the king of ur castle.. ur body..

Hebrews 11:25
-the pleasures of sin is onli for a short time..
one step towards temptations is like putting miracle growth on the soil of our mind.. the vines of desire grows up and take over..
dun let ur mind dwell on the temptations!=D

keys to win temptations..
1.) know wat temptations realli is and how it operates..
temptations is not a sin.. it is an invitation to sin.
it is a "Y" junction.. go left.. or right.. =D
James 1:13-15
-God is not the source of temptations..
the source of temptations is our own evil desire..
-if temptations are left alone.. it will cfm lead u to sin..

2.) recognise the possibility of a temptations..
temptations can happen to all.. the devil most powerful weapon is surprise.. when u r having a good time.. the devil will hit u.. or even when u r weak..
some ppl backslide after coming back from mission trip.. power =.=

3.) recognise pattern of temptations..
we all haf a customised temptations.. different ppl.. different desires affect them.. for example.. u wan lust to affect enunch? lol =x

4.) when u r tempted, ask for help..
be alert and pray.. temptations might come anytime..
temptations is tempting.. hu dunno =.= becuz it looks good.. feel good..

5.) resist the devil and he will flee from u.
we are christians.. he will flee..

6.) retreat from certain kind of temptations.. flee!!!
idoltry = anything more impt than God..
immorality.. sexual sins.. 1 Cor 6:16
greed.. money is the root of all evil..
these 3.. u see. u run. =D simple..


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:36 pm

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

My Past.

September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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January 2009

Music Studio.


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