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Sunday, April 30, 2006

hahaha.. this week we have combined cg wif kairos.. alot peeps man lol.. tell u all smth..
in juz 1hr and 15 mins.. zealot and kairos gathered 4 souls for the Lord! PRAISE GOD MAN!

okok.. fun part over haha.. this week sermon is the closing of the da vinci code.. ah man.. it is not really easy to understand from the pastor wor.. much say understand at this blog.. haha..
firstly, why do we haf to noe abt the da vinci code?
zi ji zi bi bai zhan bai sheng! =D
to defend our faith when ppl ask us abt the false teachings of the da vinci code....

speaker is ps daniel..
i will juz type out wat i copied! =D

in front of a museum, there are 673 glass panels ma..
dan brown says got 666.. X wrong lol..

dan brown says the (a group of ppl forget hu liao)
worship the goddess every 8 years..

they worship a god named zeus every 4 years.. X wrong 2 times!

misguided quote..
1.) picture of the last supper..
dan brown says beside Jesus was Mary magdelene (this is the prostitute.. not Jesus's mum)
before u draw a masterpiece sure got sketches de rite?
on leonardo da vinci sketches, it write "john" on top of the one beside Jesus.. so cfm is John lai eh ma.. lol..

dan brown says the postion of Jesus and Mary form a perfect "M".. ps daniel shows us tat it is not perfect M lo.. not even like a M of my handwriting LOL =p

the historians got a common rule.. the furthur it is away from the event, the less accurate it is..
the 4 gospels tat we haf, MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN, are all before A.D 100.. the rest all above.. so we onli take these 4 gospels..

the gospels of Philip was actually not written by Philip, the writer put the name there to gain credibility.. written 200 years after Jesus..
this gnostic gospel says.. Jesus often kissed Mary on the ...... treating Mary as his companion..
the .... is blank, but dan brown go put mouth =.="
it could be on the forehead or even the hand!
as for companion, dan brown interprets to be wife.. pls la.. historians say this means friends! =D


dan brown keeps using the word historians, to gain credibility..

the 4 historians he quote..

i put all their profession subjects together..
literature, german, someone not claimed as a historian and someone hu is a conspiracy author..
wat historian is he toking abt? wahahhahaha.. stupid..

2.) dan brown says the bible is put together by Constantine..
Constantine was a pagan later on believing in Christ.. dan brown say he life long pagan.. bullshit..
he accept Christ but nv force his whole country to accept Christ.. he lessen the persecution of christians by allowing free choice of religions! =D

dan brown says tat Constantine got baptized in his deathbed, being helpless, being forced..

TRUTH!! funnny one.....
Constantine got baptized onli at the last minute cuz he tot baptism means washing away of sins.. so baptism is onli for once ma.. he scared he baptized liao den sin again go hell.. so he wait till last min wash away all the sins! lol.. funny..

the old testament was already collated before Jesus came.. Jesus quoted from the old testament ma...
dan brown says Constantine away the gnostic gospels tat describe Jesus humans traits..
pls la.. MMLJ oso haf human traits lo.. Jesus got hungry.. tired.. angry.. alamak wat dan brown toking..

and.. the onli books tat Constantine burned are... storybooks? NOT gospels at all!
the new testament was collated before Constantine.. so Constantine has nothing to do wif the bible whatsoever.. the onli thing tat has been changed from the bible is.. are u ready.. are u ready..


ok when u study something, u hafta confined it to an area.. like maths.. within ur tb..
can u confine God? if not.. u will nv totally understand God. =D enjoy ur long weekend

goooooodyyyy attendance ! =D


Scribbled by: Child of God @1:33 pm

Sunday, April 23, 2006

woooooo lalalal... sermon notes for this week! abit late.. but.. still sunday leh =p

The following consist of fakes and facts. The notes will be written in this order.

-fact ..... and so on! =D
those hu nv read the da vinci code.. try ur best to understand.. =D

Speaker: Ps Daniel ( i wonder if he learnt french...hmmm..)

some basic information..
-da vinci code consists of history.. but it is fictional history...
example of fictional history...
-singapore took part in world war 2.. and singapore emerged as the champion country among all!
now.. this is fictional history.. yes singpore exists and took part in world war 2.. but it did not win ma..lol..
this is the distorting of history.. and tat is wat the da vinci code does..
the truth about its history..
Jesus does exists..
the fiction... look out for urself =p

Dan brown ( e author of the da vinci code) says (says means he wrote it!) tat Opus Dei (an organization) does coporal motification (the chopping of limbs.. if im not wrong =D )..
truth! Opus Dei does exist but it is a real organization of the catholic church.. and dey are very conservative.. coporal motification and conservative dun realli mix eh? <-- can u all see the fictional history? =D no prizes for those hu can.... haha..

Dan brown says that there is an albino monk in Opus Dei tat supposedly does all the bad things..
truth! there are no monks there la.. wat is Dan brown toking abt? lol..
and inside the Opus Dei.. onli 2-3% are priests.. lol..

background knowledge..
-there is a stack of documents called Sangreal documents.

-Dan brown says tat a french king named Godefroi set up the Priory of Sion (another organization) to protect the Sangreal documents (Dan brown says the secrets of the holy grail is in there) (for ppl hu dunno.. the holy grail is the cup tat Jesus use).. Dan brown also said tat the holy grail is actually Mary's remains.. use bones and drink?
the proof of the existence of the Priory of Sion can be found in the Les Dossier's secrets.

truth! the Les Dossier's secrets is realli a document.
but in 1984, the document was found to be fake.
the person who wrote the Les Dossier's secrets is named Plantard, whom the Judge issued a severe warning for making a fake document and dismissed him as a harmless crank.

Dan brown says that the Priory of Sion was founded in 1099.. - this is found in the Les Dossier's secrets (FAKE LA ALAMAK!)

truth! - the actual date of the found year of the Priory of Sion is 1956.. wat a big difference..

Dan brown says tat the Priory of Sion created a military army called the kngihts templar. the knights duty was to protect the christian pilgrims but Dan brown claimed tat the knights were actually after the Sangreal documents(still rmb wat is this?) , believing the sangreal documents to be under the Herod's temple..

truth! the knights templar does exists but their job is to protect the christian pilgrims.

Dan brown says that the knights templar found the sangreal documents and blackmailed the king then into giving them money or else they would expose the church.. the knights got rich.. Dan brown claimed tat the king burned the knights afterwards..

truth! - impt!!! ****
the knights templar got rich because the christian pilgrims pay them a high price la.. the king did kill the knights but it was because of the king's greed for the riches of the knights.. (fictional history)

Fake- the bible is a historical records of tumultuous times. ( bad times)

truth! - the bible consists of the hebrew scriptures and the new testaments. the bible records the same things as we can see in Matthew and John (juz an example.. there are many more).. YET! the 40+ authors of the bible did not know each other! imagine that! they wrote in different places.. King solomon wrote in peaceful times.. contary to wat Dan brown says..
if Dan brown don't even noe wat i haf written above.. how can we take Dan brown, and ignorant guy words for truth?

Fake- Teabings ( a person's name) says tat there are 80 gospels but onli 4 are chosen for political purposes.(Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) He says the 4 gospels is to prove Jesus's divinity..

truth! - there are onli 45 gospels in fact..

Fake- Dan brown says that the dead sea scrolls was found in 1980s.

truth! - the dead sea scrolls was found in 1947!!!!!!! big difference leh...

Dan brown says tat the dead sea scrolls was written by christians..

truth! - nono.. not written by christians..

Dan brown says that the dead sea scrolls contain gospels..

truth! - no gospels in the dead sea scrolls!!!!!!!

Gnostic gospels -wat are they?
gnostic gospels are secret gospels that believe Jesus didn't come down to save us from sin but the save us from ignorance..
the gnostic gospels were written in the second and third century.. ( 0101-0300 )
since gospels are written by discples of Jesus.. u tink the disciples live for more den 100-300 years? siao bo....

Dan brown says, Constantine comission and financed a new bible which deleted the gospels that spoke of Christ human traits and kept onli the 4 gospels.

truth! - one gnostic gospel says tat onli man can be accepted into the kingdom of God..
Constantine was actually a feminist.. someone hu dun tink woman are good enuff to be compared to men.
if Constantine was such a feminist, dun u tink he would haf included tat gnostic gospel? =.="

BIG truth! - the 4 gospels were chosen because they were within b4 A.D 100.. which means the disciples wrote them...

-Derek- "crush Dan brown , eat hashbrowns!"

Scribbled by: Child of God @9:07 pm

Sunday, April 16, 2006

here i am.sitting by my favourite com.wondering wat to blog.(sing it according to here i am tune)
haha.. ok sermon notes are rather queer.. as those who did not watch the chronicles of narnia movie would probably tink tat im speaking in another language! haha.. edits will be done and well.. try to understand! =D

5 truths about the movie or rather.. about us!

1.) "always winter, never christmas" quoted by a character in the movie.
the winter refers to death. the harsh conditions in our christian life. the hard times tat we faces.
YET! we muz rmb the christmas too! the love.. sharing.. presents! rmb how God has treat us in the past! feeling great?
once in narnia.. narnia was lush, green! becuz of sin, it turned into a cursed world.
Satan often disguises himself in the form of an angel. <--- this can be found in the bible but i dunno wat verse =D
the white witch! she is white in colour.. juz like an angel.. but is she an angel? hahahahahhaa..

2.) Edmund (the boy among the 4 kids hu betrayed them) betray = sin
for a piece of turkish delight ( <---- am i right about this?) , he betrayed his brother and sisters.
tat turkish delight is actually like our sin.. once we tasted it.. we want more of it..
get it into our mind! we ARE EDMUND! we haf sins in our lives..
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" <--- Romans 3:23

3.) Aslan ( refers to Jesus) the lion
Aslan is on the move. said the beaver.
there is a prophecy tat when aslan came back to narnia, things will be back to normal. love, hope, peace and joy like never b4!
the only things tat can satisfy you : Jesus coming into ur life
Revelation 5:5 <---- He has conquered DEATH!!! somebody gimme a "PRAISE HIM!"

4.) the stonetable
Edmund (you!) has gone to the dark side. the witch has the rights over his blood! she wanted to kill him.. why? to break tat prophecy as tat prophecy nid the four children to come true.
Edmund repents.
For the wages of sin is death. even after u repent, u tink the wages are gone? they are NOT!
someone has gotta pay them.. im sure u dun wanna die.. so how to pay back?
Jesus has done it for u.. Jesus has pay back ur debt by being crucified on the cross!
"For me You came and die.. For You now i will live.."
Aslan didn't say a word when he was humiliated and killed.. neither did Jesus. for they noe their purpose of death!

5.) There realli is another world.
narnia has animals tat could tok. things beyond our imaginations is in e other world.
the spiritual world. when Jesus came down, He introduced us to a new world. and a war is happening there..
weapon? Prayers.
there are 3 ways u can react to the gospel of God.
1.) Deny.
2.) believe but dun tink much.
3.) embrace it. allow Jesus to come into ur life.

lots of newcomers came to zealot on saturday. let's do the same everyweek ! not onli on easter =D

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:04 pm

Sunday, April 09, 2006

miss out something uh!
ytd yunqi got saved!
yayys.. cont to bring in more friends.
next week will be a v. good chance too.
free movie + free dinner. (easter celebration)
so i encouraged u guys to bring at least one friends.
i found one le. *huanyi* :D
pray for her ok?

- xuele ]] *

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:22 am

hiyakyakyakyak! this week de SNL speaker is........ Wanping! haha.. Ps Daniel slack again =p

ok.. she started off by saying..
a generation = 30years
so to find out if anyone is in ur generation, +/- 15 years! haha..
now think! put on ur thinking cap

your non-christian are on a path.. on a path to hell's fire! burning forever!!!
would u help them out? or onli help them out of convenience?
Luke 10:2

we haf to change our way of evangelism..
we need to learn to BLESS them!
dun be critical about ur frens.. dun condemn them.. dun ignore them to hell's fire juz becuz they are geeks.. haha...
meet their practical needs. spend time wif them. then ASK if they wanna come church!
youths are very extreme.. either dey totally love one thing.. or they totally hate one thing..
wanping brought out the example of youths slping.. at one time we can forgo slp.. at one time we can slp for 12 hrs! haha..

use evangelism to check urself.. if u r not evangelising.. maybe u r away from our Father..
use a SMILE to break barriers..
John4:39-40 -- bless others .... but wat about my own needs?
Ephesians 6:8 answers u.. go read e bible pls =D
you need to go to the harvest (non christians)! the harvest dun go to u! go fellowship wif them..
people dun care wat u noe until dey noe tat u care!
dun keep focusing juz on urself.. dun allow tings to destroy ur cg.. dun compare cg.. dun haf selfishness!
let zealot not ignore newcomers.. let us be a cg tat all newcomers will feel welcome! =D


Scribbled by: Child of God @8:35 am

Sunday, April 02, 2006

derek was sick, so he never go SNL!!! after snl we went he's house see how he was... he seems to be doing fine lehz.... haha... now... sermon notes!!

after a spiritual high, you needa do something to sustain the "high"... this week pastor shares on "how to sustain spiritual momentum"...

at our spiritual high, satan will definately not be happy and will try to pull us down he will try to make us trip, fall, get discouraged and give up!! we must be aware...

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.[2]We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterward. Now He is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven. hebrews12:1- 2(NLT)

verse 1 tells us what we should do. strip butt naked of all that hinders us from growing in the Lord and run with endurance. verse 2 tells you how to do it, by looking to Jesus and base our faith in Him. hebrews 11, the hall of faith, shows how God use people and how did the people respond in faith. all the people are even from the old testiment, of which Jesus haven arrive, when living by faith was harder. a christian walk is like a marathon, which needs tons of endurance. how do we do it then?

How Do I Sustain Spiritual Momentum?

1)find strength from those who have gone before. only people who have experienced it before really knows how it feels.

even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us. romans 15:4a
the bible is specially for you... God created it that way!!

now think... before you scroll down more, think about this question... what person of faith and godliness can strengthen my walk with God? it may be your cell leader or area leader, which will be able to encourage you even at hard times.

2) put off things that trips you up.
*let go of the ungodly, for example, sin.
*let go of the unneccessary. that might not mean sin, it may also be good for you, such as guitar practicing and sports. but spending too much time on it is not neccessary, and may take up time you have with God. even Ministry may also deem as unneccessary, if you serve so much that you totally forgot about spending time with God.

endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.[4] No one serving as soldier gets involved in civilan affairs--he wants to please his commanding officer. 2 tim 2:3-4 you cannot please everybody. either you please God by letting go or you cling onto them, pleasing men.

now think, what do you have to let go off?

3)Pesevere until you cross the finish line. God is interested in how we finish, not how we start. we may start slow, or even with a bang, but if we never hit the finishing line, that's pretty useless anyway. just like you land a beautiful attack on your enemy, leaving him with very little damage. but you did not manage to kill him, that beautiful attack does not count at all.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the eork of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain. 1.cor 15:58 press on!!

4)endure the suffering to see the smile. God is waiting at the finishing line, with open arms and big wide arms to embrace you at the end of the race. are you going to press on to see the smile, or are you going to give it up?


Scribbled by: Child of God @1:19 am

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

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Music Studio.


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