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Saturday, October 29, 2005

haha.. bo liao leh... kk sermon notes le...

wat is goodness??
the world tinks tat looking good at all costs is goodness???? spending $$$ to make themselves "look good".. however... there is totally no universal standard of good looks! tat is oso similar to u as a mere being.. cant please everyone.. =D

there is one phrase by ps daniel.. lame.. "a good life is having a life filled wif goodness" -.- haha..

goodness ~ being & doing good..

in Genesis chpt 1, God created something for the first time.. and He said " it is good!" y? it is cuz He has fulfill His purpose.
goodness=fulfilling a purpose..
God created u for a purpose.. if u fulfill the purpose, it is meaningful and purposeful!
Ephesian 2:10
when we do good works, we have a healthy self-esteem.. and we feel goooooddd..
we are born naturally NOT good..

Isaiah 53:6
Romans 3:23
all christians are struggling to do good..
Jeremiah 13:23
u nid to be born again to do good works!
Philippians 2:13
God begins to operate inside u..............

there r 4 ways to do good.... they are....

1.) read and study the word of God (Bible)
-there are onli 2 types of values.. from the world.. or from the word..
-one more phrase.. but not so lame.. haha.. the word will keep u from sin.. or sin keeps u away from the word.. =D

2Timothy 3:16

2.) Guard your mind..
sin always starts in the mind as temptation..
u think of wat u read.. and ur eyes control ur mind.. so zealot.. CONTROL wat u r reading... first tink if it is good or bad b4 reading..
Matthew 6:22
Philippians 4:8
this is wat i tink ~~ becuz u can onli tink of a thing at a time.. always tink of good stuffs to remove all possibilities of bad stuffs entering ur mind.. wahahha =D

3.) conviction
opinion is some values tat u hold..
conviction is some values tat hold u..
goodness demands conviction..
if good ppl do nth, evil will haf victory.. so let all good ppl do good.. =D
1Peter 2:19-20
if u do good and is punished for it.. it is commendable in heaven.... =D

4.) guts to be different
3John 11 whole chpt of 11
change instead of being changed..
drive rather den be driven..
Romans 15:14

wa v tired.. bye...

-Derek- feeling unwell these few days leh..pray for me =D

Scribbled by: Child of God @11:34 pm

Friday, October 28, 2005




Scribbled by: Child of God @9:12 pm

hey zealot peeps**

we are not going to e funeral thingy le....
BUT keep her in PRAYERS!!!

pray that she will be strong and come against those offering of incense.

Scribbled by: Child of God @7:14 pm


life application bible is confirm.. u all can start paying to lele or to mi liao!! the price is up $2!! meaning now have to pay $40. yeah.. anione of u still have financial problem.. pls call mi up!! who dunno my number?? ask around.. hehe!!


mission trippers!! pls pay up watever u can latest 6 nov!! this sat there will be a collection.. do pay up too!! ani questions pls ring mi up.. yup!!

places that we will be going:

  1. Nong Khai
  2. Ubon Ratchathani
  3. Khon Khan
  4. Udon Thani
  5. Roi-et

hehe!! r u excited?? cause i am lah!! wahahaha!! okie.. another news about mission trip.. there are 8 vacancies left for the trip.. come on people!! zealot only have 3 people going out of the 26 members we have.. moreover, in the bible.. the great commission (matthew 28:18) remember?? r ought to fulfil the great commission.. yeah!! so i really hope those of u who wans to go but because of parents issue to continue to PRAY AND PUSH ON.. if God wans u to go.. He will make a way for u de.. do u have enough faith to trust in Him? =)

yup yup... i think that's about all.. will update more soon..

hannah.. may God's peace be with u always!! zealot is HERE for U!! =)) smiles..


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:19 am

Thursday, October 27, 2005


last sat de...

It takes only a few excited fans leaping from their seats with their hands in the air to start a phenomenon that can quickly take over a stadium filled with thousands of people.We're talking "The Wave". It takes only a small number of people to really get things going- for both good and bad.Take for example the Israelite spies in the book of Numbers. Moses sent 12 spies to scope out the Promised Land.They found the land rich in food and soil, but scary in enemies and cities. Ten of the spies were sp terrified that they triggered a wave of fear and dissent among the whole nation.Flip ahead to the book of Acts.The apostles were just starting out after Jesus had ascended into heaven.The Holy Spirit came to them, and those same men who had huddled terrified behind closed doors after Jesus' death(John 20:19) went out and changed the course of history.And the wave continues- the church they started is still what we are a part of today.They devoted to teaching,fellowship,and prayer(Acts 2:42).They met each other's material needs(v.45).They worshiped and socialized together(v.46).They praised God and established a good reputation(v.47).And best of all: "The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved"(v.47)- Talk about a wave! It doesn't take much effort to influence the people around you- for both good and bad.Make a decision to start a wave of encouragement,love, and praise for GOd among the people you spent time with today.You never know who may join in!


Scribbled by: Child of God @11:02 pm


guys.. pls pray for hannah.. her grandma juz passed away.. definitely the whole family is sad.. let us juz pray tat hannah and her family can come against all these sadness.. also.. pray tat she will be the light of her family and thru her, her family can be saved and come to Jesus.. stay joyful in all situations.. though i noe it is difficult.. be glad tat He is still there for u..

hannah.. dun be sad anymore k? tell us where is the funeral.. we will be visiting after sat nite life..

Scribbled by: Child of God @6:22 pm

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hey peeps...

i'm back!! haha... okie! last sat.. zealot 2 started this game called [the angel and mortal game]... okie.. i'll explain the game here... hmmm...

now... angel is the one who encourage u.. thru words or actions lah.. then the mortal hor.. is someone who gets encourage lor.. simple? haha.. erts..

last week cell group got 6 memebers.. so each one of us actually picked our own mortal.. i mean each of us has a mortal lah..

people who are the mortal.. (who gets encourage)

thok kai

so if u all receive ani thing from an unknown person who calls him or herself your angel then just accept it lor.. yup yup!! the purpose of the game is to encourage one another secretly.. wahahahah!!! so fun so fun!! lalala... i wonder who is my angel?? SO FAR I HAVENT RECEIVE ANI FROM MY ANGEL... angel... i need some encouragement.. haha!! yoohooo!!

yeah... oh ya!! the angel cannot reveal him or herself.. YES! CANNOT!! that's the fun thing.. haha.. every sat we will change different mortal..

eh.. i think i explain until veri blur.. aiya.. nvm. if u all still dunno or still in the darkness... pls call...

ken Quak
Yong Quan

see ya.. God Bless You all.. and zealot 2!!

PS: i think i'm dancing this sat.. I NEED SUPPORTERS!! bleahz! =P hehe..

Scribbled by: Child of God @3:17 pm

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hello! this is the sermon notes again man.. yea.. ok la nth much for me to say so...

Title: Kindness

Speaker: Ps Daniel

Colossians 3:12
put on/clothe urself wif compassion, gentleness, humility, kindness and patience.. this is actually getting dressed spiritually! so when u wake up every morning.. get dressed spiritually.. (n of cuz physically.. haha..)

firstly we ask ourselves, wat is kindness???
-kindness is....... love in action! it all boils down to love u see? haha..
As christians, treat others wif kindness with NO ulterior motives.. like i help u to make coffee.. den lata i pour it all over u! wahahahha.. =p
kindness is a risky business.. y? cuz of 2 reason..
1.) we get misunderstood.
for example.. u are kind to someone and tat someone thinks u got a ulterior motive..
2.) we get bullied. the receiver of the kindness will want more kindness from u.. but not all receivers la.. haha lol..

den if kindness is a risky business.. why why why should we still be KIND????
-God is kind to us so we shd be kind to others..God let Jesus die for us when we were unworthy sinners... learn and imitate Christ.. =D
-we wan others to be kind to us.. ur seniors in ur cca tekan u becuz they were tekan! it is a chain sort of thing.. so we shd be the one to start the chain of KINDNESS!!!! ROCK ON!!! haha..
Proverbs 11:11
ur soul is nourished when u r kind.. so when u r kind u r doing urself a favour.. =D so let us all be filled wif kindness haha..
How can we be kind?

1.) You gotta be sensitive.
u gotta be sensitive to others in terms of their needs.. kindness starts wif sensitivity!
Phillippians 2:4
LOOK to the interests of others.. everyone.. i repeat.. everyone nids kindness.. =D
read 2 samuel chpt 9 haha..

2.) supportive..
Proverbs 15:4
kind words brings life.. catch ppl doing the right things.. and encourage them.. encouraging words = kind words ba.. haha..
Proverbs 10:32
Christians says kind things..

3.) sympathetic..
kindness is a mark of spiritual leadership..
2 Timothy 2:24

4.) straight-forward..
juz now i mention if u caught someone doing the rite things.. encourage them rite? now when u caught someone doing the WRONG things.. correct the person straight away.. cuz people hu loves u.. corrects u.. =D
Wounds from a fren is better den a kiss from the enemy.. sounds true.. haha..
becuz i love u.. i will not let u get away wif ur sins! =p
correct someone for his/her welfare.. correct them and keep at it until they change for the better..

5.) spontaneous..

Galatians 6:10
Be kind whenever we can.. especially to the members of Christ. now some of u might ask.. why shd we be kind to the members of Christ specially? tat is becuz Jesus said this,"your strong love for each other will prove to the world tat u r my disciples.." wooo.. haha..
when u wan to thank someone for their kindness to u.. do wat nike always says.. JUZ DO IT.. haha =D
i close this sermon NOW!!! =D


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:24 pm

Sunday, October 16, 2005

ok.. sermon notes.. =D posted it one day late due to a prayer request.. haha.. good excuse to slack oso.. haha.. zealot combined cell got 17 peeps!!!!! yea.. great.. but not enuff leh.. haha.. no full attendance.. but we r getting closer to the goal man.. haha.. THANK U GUYS FOR CELEBRATING MY BDAE =D

ok.. this sermon is abt Patience. e speaker is of cuz Ps Daniel again la.. haha..
Proverbs 16:32
It is better to be patient den to be powerful.. (food for thought: so a patient tiny weeny "king" is better den a mighty king?)
all of us will receive some trials in our christian life.. so y do we haf trials? God sent them to teach us how to be patient! when u pray and ask for patience, God gives it to u thru trials! however.. do not be afraid to ask for patience juz because u do not want the trials hor.. haha.. =D

4 keys tat test our patience..

1.) interruption

imagine urself doing something serious.. like a project tat is to be submitted tml.. and ur little bro or sis come and disturb u! grrr.. haha.. would u control urself or would u shout at tat person"SHUT UP!!!!!! I AM RUSHING MY PROJECT!!! ARGH!!!!" haha.. when u control urself, u haf peace rite? ur little bro or sis wun get angry and quarrel blah blah blah.. haha.. so wif patience, come peace.. =D


we want INSTANT everything! instant noodles.. when u pray, u expect instant answering of ur prayer! however, God is nv late in answering prayers! He is always on time.. but on His time.. not ours.. so when God do not answers ur prayers in 10 years time.. do not be discouraged.. instead, be encouraged tat it is actually coming 10 years earlier now! haha.. so juz be patient and wait for the ultimate thing tat u wan! =D

3.) irritations

traffic jams.. and many many more.. each person wait for 6 months in his /her lifetime juz to wait for the traffic light to turn green! hmm.. another example.. hw abt u r picking up nature's call and the bathroom is occupied!!!! gosh.. will u be patient and wait or will u shout at tat person inside? haha.. we need to learn how to control ourselves and be patient..
irritations cause u to disobey God.. think of wat u do when u face irritations and u will noe wat i mean.. irritations are for example.. the ppl tat u dun like? lemme tell u a story..
when a sand gets into the shell of an oyster, it is a great irritant to the oyster.. but the oyster bear wif it and over some time, it changes to a nice pearl!! tat shows if u bear wif the irritants tat u face, u might get something precious in the end! haha.. i faces this problems in life man.. i will try to control! haha..

4.) inactivity

Job 14:14
we should be patient and wait for God..
Proverbs 19:2
impatience will get u into trouble!!!! watch out!!haha.. =p
lack of patience = lack of peace

4 keys on how to be patient.. =D

1.) develop new perspective

when u r impatient, u haf limited perspective.. in order to be successful in life, u nid to put urself in other's shoes all the time.. haha.. having patience = having peace = solve conflicts..
first step! put urself in ur parents's shoes.. y do dey forbid u to go to church? y do dey ask u to study so much? y do dey blah blah blah.. parents do too many things for us man.. HONOUR UR FATHER AND MOTHER!!! haha..
Proverbs 19:11
Wisdom = seeing life from God's view
see from God's perspective..
- i am onli a human
- Nobody is perfect, i dun haf to take those irritants seriously..
- God is in control thru situations..
Proverbs 20:24
- a man's steps are directed by the Lord.. Follow it! haha..
Proverbs 14:29
wif patience = great understanding
maturity comes wif patience..

2.) haf a sense of humour.

learn how to laugh at urself.. laugh at ur own frustrations! haha..
laugh at ur problems.. laughter is the best medicine.. =D
Proverbs 14:30
take life easy.. humour = antidote to stress.. i rmb rixiang saying to me.. ren sheng duan duan ji shi nian.. take it easy man.. haha..
can laugh = can cope wif problems
Psalms 2:4
being cheerful keeps u healthy.. gloom = slow death

3.) let ur love deepen.. love is patient, wif love, u r patient..
patience = trust in God.. trust God tat He will answer ur prayers for example..
Ephesians 4:2
love cancels all faults.. God's love and grace cancels our sin!

4.) dependence on God

God erases ur feelings when something bugs u.. not change the things tat bugs u.. =D
God always turn up but at His time not ours..
we cannot change situations.. but we can change our reactions to those situations.. hardest waiting.. u r in a hurry and God is not! haha.. Waiting patiently is a edvidence of FAITH!
God is nv late.. He is on His time and God is very very patient.. He waits for salvation for very long man.. =D God bless all zealot peeps wif patience.. bring us trials if You need.. Amen?


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:22 pm

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Prayer Request

Please pray for Tecksoon. Currently he's running a fever and coughing too.. Plus his sore eye has not yet fully recovered.. Somemore he cant take any Mc.. Sick liao still have to train until very jia lat.. Then he say he scared his fever is Dengue cos everynight got mosquito bites. And he haven had any time to pray or do his Qt.. So now he's weak physically, spiritually and mentally.

Lets keep him in prayer alrite.. Pray that he will be healed and that God will make him stronger thru this sickness ya... And also that he wun fall back.. Ok.. Anything God wants you to pray for him just pray k..

God bless.. =)

With love,
Danelle aka Qc

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:22 pm

Thursday, October 13, 2005

hey guys!! prayer request... pls remember to pray for the mission trip ppl... they need our prayers ya?? one day... spend 2-3 mins to pray for one person!! yup yup... plus pray for kairos cell as they are having an evangalistic outreach this sat... at westmall...

wat is evangalistic? it means sharing Christ on the street.. yup yup!! pray for courage in each members.. and ask God to draw ppl to us. yeah!! and of cos..... u wanna pray more can pray lah.. hehe!!

mission trip ppl :

  1. Hanyang
  2. Sean
  3. Eveline
  4. Huijin
  5. Edgar
  6. Andy Chia
  7. Jeffery
  8. James
  9. Kelvin
  10. Weiwei
  11. Rebecca
  12. Wee Huat
  13. Jing Rong
  14. Jaslyn
  15. Guizhen
  16. Jerome
  17. Kenneth
  18. Joyce
  19. Xuanwen
  20. Rixiang
  21. Alex
  22. Adelene
  23. Grace
  24. Peixia


  1. Shawn Wong
  2. Sining
  3. Winston
  4. Carrie
  5. Janice
  6. Freddie
  7. Colin
  8. Ian

okie... so just remember to pray for them.. although many ar.. but!! we wanna support them with our prayers rite?? one day... a few person... a few mins k?? =) next trip mi, weekiat and ken lim going also need u all de prayers de!! yup yup!! ani questions pls.. feel free to ring up my hp!! yup... see u guys at cell group!! =)

oh ya... y cell timing push till 3pm ar.. is because some of u cannot come too early.. so i made the arrangment.. so i hope u all can come down.. and those necessary change will not go to waste!! wheeeee..... see ya!! i'm looking forward.. wahahaha!!

zhizhi \(^.^)/

Scribbled by: Child of God @10:40 pm

Wednesday, October 12, 2005



ZEALOT is going to combined cell this saturday!
once again, we're heading for FULL attendance...

WE are PRAYING for u guys..
so u muz do yr part by asking yr parents kaesss...

(waiting for ur GOOD feedback!)

The details :::

Time * 3 - 4.45 pm

Place * Church B1

RMB! we are the body of Christ____

Each of us represent each part.. so we reali hope to see u coming.. to form up e FULL body of Christ.. ALRIGHT? ^_^


People who have parents objection__

Elvina* Hannah*

Anna* Shufen*

Cass* Sabrina*


HAVE FAITH! God will sureli answer our prayers de! *smiles*


Scribbled by: Child of God @7:58 pm

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hmm.. took me a long time to prepare this becos last week was my exam soo.. =p ya.. and this prepare this for the reference or whatsoever u want to take tis as. hmm yeaps my eoy exam is over and 'n' lvl are ending soon. let pray that our result will pass wif flying colour ya. and
well.. i want to take this opportunity to give liangzhi a very happy
belated bday =D hehes..

Topic : Living a Godly life with God!

How to live in a Godly life?

By participating in the divine nature and by doing that,
God gives us everything that we need and through our knowledge of Him
who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Through participation, what will you gain?

You will escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
Simple, when you live a Godly life.. God will gives u the power to
overcome the evil desires likes stealing, lustful thoughts etc.

On e way to Godly life =D..

Some of us might be experiencing this when u often fall into sins easily.
In e first time, you will ask for forgivesness from god and however nxt time u fall into it
again. And you might have this thought of having guilty of keep falling into sins and therefore you might think that God will not forgive
you this time round.

However!!! Dont forget!!! Lord Jesus is faithful and He wants to forgive
you and extend his grace towards
you. So, do not worry.. all you have to do is confess ur sins and repent
and ask for forgiveness.

What you should do ?!?!?!
Confess and Repent. And Repentence involves a commitment not to continue
in sin. Dont think of when you sinned and you confess and u dont have to do anything. U have to
change!! and it is a 180 degrees from sin and turn to God.

When we admitting our sins and receiving Christ's cleansing, we are:

1) Agreeing with God that our sin is sin and that we are willing to turn
from it.
- This means that you have to admit it and repent!

2)Ensure that we don't hide our sins from Him and from ourselves
- Rmb ps daniel ever said this, ever when no one saw u sinned but God are up there watching u and they knew it so dont ever try to hide from it ok! =D

3) Recognizing our tendency to sin and relying on His power to overcome it.
- You have to ask urself why did u fall into sin that easily!!! and rely on God's unlimited power to overcome it.

Through all these confessing and repenting and relising the tendency to
sins. You've been FORGIVEN =D.
Not only that!! U also have the power to live a victorious life from den on!!
3 cheers for that!!!

What did God promise to do for us if we confess our sins?

1) 1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us
from all unrighteousness.

So, you should know when u confess, you will be forgiven and He will help us purify us from all

2) We will not be condemned for those who are in Christ Jesus! Why?

Christ Jesus the law of the
Spirit of life will set us free from the law of sin and death.

Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, let us reason together,"says the Lord. "Though your sins are
like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson,

they shall be like wool. "

If you all dont know, scarlet was the colour of a deep-red permanent dye.
Through this verse, you can see that god will clean it. Ok, this is de answer!! If you think that
u've done a sin and no one will be able to help u or forgive u.. dont be afraid as God is
faithful and is willing to clean it and forgive u. i noe i keep repeating tis.. but remember tis!!

What are false REPENTANCE?

1. Not just feeling guilty
- Repentence is not when u feel guilty then u repent. Feeling guilty
about our sin comes before repentance, but is not repentance itself.

2. Not just being sorry for your sin
- Repentance is not when you know the consequence of the sin and then u r
sorry about it. For example, you stole an item, and you will be charged and send to jail if caught. Dont just feel sorry only becuz of the consequences of the sin.

3. Not just trying to be a good person
- Many people are trying to be a better person and they wants to change

their life by themself. And they does not acknowledge the need of repentance from sin

4.Not just knowing the truth
- For a guy that knew that they've to confess and repent when they sin,
and he didnt do it. Knowing the truth and does not apply it in ur life is useless!

2 Corinthians 7:10
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. (In simply, True repentance leads u to salvation and false repentance
will only leads u to sin and eventually death.)

So do you want to know what TRUE REPENTANCE IS?!?!

1. Being sorry to God for your sin
- U have to being sorry to God as u r the creation of God. God himself is
holy and if u sin, you're like dirtying Him, so u must be sorry to Him. True repentance is a
sorrow not just towards urself, or another person.

2. Being truthful about your sin
- Do not lie about your sin, do not try to cover ur iniquity. In simply, be truthful =D.

3. When possible, paying back to others what you owe
- For example, if your poor temper has caused u to quarrel among ur classmates. And you know you're in e wrong. Even ur fren may have forgotten it but u should take the initiative to
apologise to them and not by taking it as it is not important.

4. Hate sin!
i) It displeases our God, who is righteous and holy.
- God do not sin, and if u sin u will displease him.
ii) It destroys our relationship with him.
iii) It robs us of our spiritual authority
- Sin will leads u to lost your spiritual authority. As you know, all christian have the power to like cast out demon and other things.. And if u sin, u will lose them :-)

Zechariah 1:3
Therefore tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says:'Return to
me,' Declares the Lord Almighty,' and i will return to you.' says the Lord Almighty.

- God promises us that if we sins against him and we confessed our sin
to him and god will forgive us and return to our side. it also applies to
those backslidder which have lost faith in christianity but however if he
will to return, god will accept him as well. and u might be wondering what have

you been given for life and godliness and what does it mean to participate in the
divine nature and how does it help u escape from the corruption in the world?

Here is the answer!

2 Peter 1:3-4
His divine nature has given us everything we need for life and godliness
through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.
Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so
that through them you may participate in the divine nature nature and
escape the corruption in the world caused by desires.

Ok after all these things i've written. really wish u guys will really go
through all these and understand. In Jesus's name i pray, amen!

- God's Child -

Scribbled by: Child of God @1:01 am

Saturday, October 08, 2005

yo... back again =D
the speaker for today is Ps Daniel once again.. haha..
-zealot 1&2 both did not get full attendance 2dae..but guys.. choose to be joyful.. no matter wat situations.. HOPE.. i believe we will haf full attendance for both cg one day! yea... ok abit losoh.. back to the topic..

Title : Peace of mind in a stressful world..

stress is definitely in our lives.. it can never go away.. but we can give it up to God.. haha..
a survery was done in america.. guess.. how much panadols is being consumed by americans per day?

ANS:15 tons of panadols... crazy indeed..

book on relieving stress = top sellers nowadays..

why is the top 2 things like tat? it is becuz the world is too stressful and people are taking these steps to relieve stress but these r the wrong steps... wrong wrong wrong.. haha..
Proverbs 14:30
-heart at peace gives life.. so no peace = no life? tink..
now u nid to noe wat is peace!

1.) Peace with God. (Spiritual peace..)
Romans 5:1 -we haf peace with God thru Jesus Christ! this is the foundation of all peace.. the very basic..
John 14:6 - Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through ME.
everything single thing we haf is from God yea!!!!! and all of these blessings is thru Jesus Christ.. Hallelujah!

2.) Peace of God.
Colossians 3:15 - let the peace of God rule in our hearts.. let Him maintain peace in our hearts! =D
some ppl go to holidays or chalets or even a short shopping spree to de-stress.. wat for... God is everywhere.. as long as u haf peace of and with God.. =no stress.. during exams oso can haf no stress! whooooo haha..

3.) Peace with people.
Romans 12:18
Relational peace reduces conflicts.. how to get peace?
Romans 14.27 Accept it.. Simple.

Interesting FaCt.. for the last 3500 years..the world onli experienced 286 years of peace.. however.. God gives us peace even in the midst of trouble.. He din say wat kind of troubles.. so in general.. all kinds =D

Five keys to unlock the door of peace.. wow a door wif 5 locks.. haha..

1.) to accept God's pardon.
Guilt is the no.1 destroyer of peace.. He has pardoned u already.. Accept it.. Simple. haha..
1 John 1:9
If God can forgive u, u can forgive urself.. i mean if God forgives u and u dun forgive urself.. r u greater den God? no way.. for God is greatest.. =D

2.) obey God's principle.
Bible = manual of life! rmb this.. =D
Psalms 119:165,167
Peace is given to those hu loves God's law. nth will make u stumble.. be obedient to Him and u will haf peace.. so if u haf no peace, blame urself =p for u r not obedient hahahahahahahaha yea i am abit sot =p

3.) Focus on His presence. He is always with you. even at the toilets.. =p
Isaiah 26:3
focus on problems.. focus on God..

which one will u choose? i tell u.. even when u r in trouble, worship Him.
there was a king.. he was in a battle wif a shortage of soldiers.. in fact, a shortage of everything.. weapons, gunpowder bla bla bla.. He did not say go get gunpowder or get better weapons from other armies..he did not focus on his problems.. instead.. he went to the temple and worship God.. God turned up and help him won the war.. how great is tat.. prayers=first solution

If u look at the world, u will be destressed..
if u look at urself, u will be depressed..
if u look at Christ, u will be at REST! haha..
God gave us a warning system to warn us if we ever stop looking upon Him..
simple.. when u feel stress.. u r not looking upon God.. haha..
Psalms 46:1 He is an ever-present help in trouble.. all kinds of trouble.. question is u wan or not..
Psalms 46:10
God is always ready to help us.. in times of trouble, be still and noe He is God..
be still means let go of the problem and juz hand it up to God.. noe He is God means believing tat He will settle ur problems.. =D
Be at peace wif God..
Phillippians 4:7
4.) Trust God's purpose..
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord.. He shall direct ur paths.. Don't rely on ur own understanding.. IMPT NOTE! COPY COPY..
dun ask y God allow tsunami allow this allow tat.. sometimes u will nv noe.. onli God noes..
Phillippians 4:12-13
I can do all things thru Christ hu strengthens me.. Be content in all situations.. =D
Luke 8:22-25
wadeva storms we haf, with Jesus it is ok! Don't worry at all.. =D
5.) ask for peace..
Phillippians 4:6-7
dun be anxious abt anything.. present it to God by prayers and thanksgiving.. God will guard ur heart.. worrying is the opposite of peace.. so dun worry haha..
Luke 8:14
ppl gets choked by life's worries and dey die.. put ur trust on e Lord! =D

ok.. v long.. haha.. got alot verses but dun juz copy.. go read it.. understand it.. let's grow spiritually together... wooo.. haha..


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:39 pm

Thursday, October 06, 2005

calling out all ZEALOT 2 MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES U!! YA...

this sat.. 8 OCTOBER!!!!!!!!! we celebrating ZEALOT 2's 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY please do COME DOWN for cell group k??

time: 2pm-4pm

place: church basement

attire: FORMAL.. (joking lah!! haha..) casual will be fine!!

things to bring: JUST ONE TIBITS will do!! that's all we ask for.. ONE only!!

really wish u all can come.... cause 1 month liao leh.. plus!! we havent been really meeting up.. the 13 of us.... come down as a celebration for the END OF EXAMS yeah? i mean.. ending soon lah!! yeah yeah....

PLS COME DOWN FOR CELL!! try asking ur parents k? hehe!!


we= all of us lah!! together... support one another!! YES!! HAVE FAITH!!

after cell group.... STAY FOR NITELIFE K??!! yays... let's have fun on sat!!!

-ZHIZHI- \(^_^)/

Scribbled by: Child of God @8:30 pm

Sunday, October 02, 2005

i would like to post my reply speech here, as it will not flood the tagboard and everyone can see better....

and it's suggested by liang zhi... =).... btw... happy birthday.... it's his birthday on monday!!!!

as to previous points why God sent destruction to men... God have extended his hands many times... but people still refuse to believe in him... and they continue to do evil.... God cannot allow evil to keep continue, so he sent judgement and destruction to evil men.... but he showed love to his children.... why...? beacause he is a righteous God.... when he sent his judgements, the angels said, "You are just in these judgements, you who are and who were, the Holy One. because you have so judged; for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets, and you have given them bloog to drink as they deserve." revelation 16:5,6... and in verse 7 "Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgements.".... God did it without a choice....

peter was also a human... and it was said in rom 3:23 "for all have fallen short of the glory of God.".... all humans, you and me, have sinned.... why not peter...? satan is the father of all lies, and his tricks can misguide even the strongest believers... dun forget at the moment Jesus is predicting his doom, and peter let his earthly emotions took over him... out of love for his Lord, he is blocking the will to be done... he does not see the great picture at that time... it's not his special knowledge... it's by the grace that Jesus have given him... that he overcomed it...

the second part.... please tell me if i read you wrong.... are you saying that we are blaspheming in the name of a prophet...? who is that prophet and what are we blaspheming about...? and you said you do accept the love of God... you experienced this love before...? you also pointed out that you do not reguard us as true christians... den what are we...? who are the true christians...? why have they died out long ago...? and what consequence will we face...? you told us to repent before it is too late... how...? what should we repent from...? smallest seed belong to the orchid family...? heh.... thanks for that... any maybe there's no orchids in the past...? hahaz.... peace be unto you too...

hannah.... ermz... your words abit harsh lehz... and very very chim.... hahaz...

unknown.... who are you...? mind leaving a name...? well, he can post these stuff here for discussion... to clear things out... why not..?

anonymous.... thanks.... but... you know who i am?!?!?! who are you...? mind leaving a name....? you know us... and im sure i'll know you too.... we would all like to know you...

shufen... will pray... keep smiling....

the rest.... keep smiling!!! n levels starts monday(oops!! same day as zhi's birthday!!) study hard and bring him the glory...


Scribbled by: Child of God @10:20 pm

Saturday, October 01, 2005

2dae the speaker is Ps Daniel.. Haha.. He told us a story abt perspective.. Lazy to type out oso la.. Haha.. So be it.. Ok the service..

Galatians 5:22
Romans 5:2 1
Peter 1:13
Romans 12:12 Read these verses .. =D
Romans 5:1-4
Isaiah 43:2
Mark 8:35

staying joyful in a negative world… joy = delight!!!!

Joy =/= happiness

-Happiness depends on the happenings and situations..
-To be joyful is a CHOICE! Take note! =D

You can choose to rejoice regardless of the situation.. We haf peace with God thru Jesus Christ! And now we talk abt hope..

FACTS: Men can live for 40 days without food and water..
Men can oso live for 8 mins with oxygen!
However.. Men cannot live with hope!!!!

A test was conducted on rats.. There were 2 containers.. Filled almost to the brim and den they drop a rat into each container.. Den they closed the containers.. One of the container was poke to open a hole for the rat to haf a ray of hope! The rat tat was covered and could see no light and hope commited suicide by drowning itself straight away as it could see no hope of surviving.. The rat wif some hope struggle for a long time but died in the end after 24 hrs! see how hope can help one being? I tink it applies to humans too =D

1Peter 1:13

we haf to put our hope on the grace of God.. It is impossible to haf joy without hope.. We haf a God who haf a purpose in out life! Yea.. Haha..

Y do we rejoice in our sufferings?

1) Becoz we haf hope! We haf hope tat by God’s grace he will save us! And suffering(anything tat puts u under pressure negatively..) produces perseverance in our lives..

2) We can control the state of our mind----impt! Rmb this.. Joy =/= absence of suffering!

3) Suffering actually measure how much faith we haf!If God is wif u, all things r possible!! Yea.. However when we say rejoicing in suffering.. We do not mean acting happy .. “God, give me more pain.. More suffering.. !!!!” not like this ah.. Haha.. We rejoice in our sufferings.. Not rejoice becoz of sufferings.. Haha.. tat would be crazy haha..

How do we rejoice in our sufferings?
By knowing tat all suffering haf a purpose in our lives. Different perspective will cause u to react in different ways..we can rejoice in sufferings as we noe it produces something..

1.) perseverance - ability to withstand pressure (nv say die?) haha..
2.) character - proven reliable (God’s grace sure is reliable la.. Haha.. )
3.) maturity - we gotta haf a right attitude.. After tat "rejoiced" suffering, u will become more matured.. =D testing of faith produces perseverance, suffering produces maturity.. =D

This is a good example.. When Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was in prison.. He wrote the book of joy in PRISON!!!!!!!!
Guys.. Joy is a choice… wow…God is always wif us.. We are God’s frens.. =D

-Isaiah 43:2-
Nothing will harm you cause He is with you. Spiritual workout! This workout is to haf joy..
1.) we gotta develop an attitude of gratitude.. Give thanks in all circumstances.. For this circumstances tat u r facing is God’s will.. Gratitude produces more positive emotional energy than any other attitudes in ur life.. So thank God and thank those ppl arnd u … grateful = joyful

2.) cultivate joy by giving. God loves a cheerful giver.. One thing yea.. U can never out give God.. Haha..

3.) develop joy by serving ppl.. Mark 8:35 - serve, concentrate on serving others rather den juz urself.. Sharing Christ is one way of serving too.. Haha..

4) sharing Jesus Everyday of our life!!
sry this came a bit late.. will improve on the punctuality of this summary soon.. =D


Scribbled by: Child of God @11:39 pm

We are Zealot!

Youth Impact Service 2
Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah)

Venue: Church Carpark/Prayer House
Time: Saturdays, 2pm

Man after God's


Julia Ronald JiaJun Norman Marcus Danial Shirley Rebecca Natalie WyLin QinYing Nilesh Edwin SanPeng WeiYu Joyce Eunice ShiYi YiJun TongMeng YiFan LiuKun MengMeng Isaac QinYu JiangNan JiaTong Lumeng Elijah Rachel

Derek PeiShan Shermin YiJie Josh Darryl
JiaHao Natalie WanPing Deborah Joel
JacquelineNg KenYap ZeLai Adrianna

YouBeng GhimHwee JianJie(JJ) Joey
Lisa Estella Dave Nicole Min Wei
Siewling Sandy Percival Dawn Alvina
Madeline JunDe HouShun Eugene PeiJia
Iris JingWei Winston Cheryl CongZi

Bro LiangZhi ZhiWei KenLim Sabrina ThokKai
WeeKiat WeeTat Yvonne QinChing WeiKun
WeiLong LiZhen Alvin Sueyen Huiqi

Irvin KenQuak XueLe LiHong Peilin Claire
JiaXun YingMei YeeTing Debbie Stella LiBin
Patricia WeiShan Kelly Alvan Eugenia
MingJian John

Chit Chat.

My Past.

September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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March 2006
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June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
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October 2006
November 2006
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January 2009

Music Studio.


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